Item connected to another one
I am creating a bathroom scene. I created a bathtub by making a rectangle on the floor and pulling it up, then offset and push down in the middle. worked well.
the problem is that now it is all connected to the floor, so that I can't select only one particular face of the bathtub or only choose the floor. I discovered this when I attempted to paint a color on the tub and it painted the floor as well.
See attached model.
any ideas?
If you group things you should be able to get around the problem with painting the wrong faces.
It is essentially a case of selecting the geometry you want to group->right click->make group. You can then edit the group by double clicking it.
Because you have 'smoothed' the bath into the floor it won't select separately... unless you switch on Hidden Geometry. Then you can select the parts and group them, move the group aside. Heal the wall/floor, then move the group back...
Here is a version - switch off hidden geometry at the end.
the smoothing was the it now! thanks!!