[Plugin] Elev45Shadows.rb
I'm having a problem using Elev45shadows and vray for sketchup 1.5.30 combined....I need to change the location of my model to any city but not boulder to get 45 shadows io.....but vray doesn't accept this..It only remembers the default location settings that is of boulder colorado...what should i do to fix this......I'm using Sketchup Pro 7.1
@arjunmax09 said:
but vray doesn't accept this..It only remembers the default location settings that is of boulder colorado...what should i do to fix this......I'm using Sketchup Pro 7.1
I've never had problems with this in VfSU 1.05.30. I always worked with it where the location where set to Trondheim, Norway.
What do you mean it doesn't "accept" it?
@thomthom said:
What do you mean it doesn't "accept" it?
it means that vray uses the default settings i.e. boulder colorado......if i change my north axis by going to model info.....it also doesn't support the north.....for example if i rotated the north angle by 30 degrees ....vray will not know that the north direction has been rotated by 30 degrees
Not even if you reload the model?
@thomthom said:
Not even if you reload the model?
yes the problem persists even if i reload the model...have you ever experienced it i mean with boulder, colorado??
I am trying to flip my shadows. I have the Ruby Console open and type in the values that you state and run the plug-in and nothing happens. Am I not running the ruby console properly?
@martinez001 said:
I am trying to flip my shadows. I have the Ruby Console open and type in the values that you state and run the plug-in and nothing happens. Am I not running the ruby console properly?
Open the Ruby Console and type$e45s=0
then press <enter> this changes the angle.
And using$e45s=1
changes it back... -
@martinez001 said:
I am trying to flip my shadows. I have the Ruby Console open and type in the values that you state and run the plug-in and nothing happens. Am I not running the ruby console properly?
You can also flip shadows with the "enter North angle" tool under the Solar North tool palette--after using this EXCELLENT plugin. We always fudge on the north elevations (northern hemisphere) for presentations sake but I assume if the west elevation is wrong I'll hear from my clients!
Anyone know if Elev45Shadows.rb will work in SU 2013? Or can direct me to an alternative plugin for creating 45 degree shadows for architectural elevations?
Many thanks
It should work
, but NOT with geolocation set, AND also you'll now need a separate SKP set up for each elevation - in earlier SketchUps you could have different locations in different Scenes...
This tool has to set the location, time etc for each elevation in turn to achieve a proper 45 degree shadow []which obviously can't be done in a fixed geolocation - so it's not possible with just one fixed [geo]location... -
dont work in su 2014(
Set sun for shading ?
Set UTC to 0 and it then works...
I'm looking at why it differs from earlier versions.
It is ~8 years old !
The default template has UTC-7 ?
The shadowinfo "TZOffset" should be forced to 0 ?
There's a typo in the ancient code - it says "TZoffset" NOT "TZOffset", so you currently still have to manually change the UTC = 0At least you can force it to work, I'll look at how it might be auto-run right...
Thanks, UTC was whong in template))) default was 7 or 8
BUT I am working on an improvement fix to auto-set UTC=0...
Version v1.4 is now available at the PluginStore http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=Elev45shadows
Please read the guidance accessed via 'More Info' -
Is there an easy way to change the shadow angle from 45 to some other angle with this plugin?
Not unless you do some mind-numbing trig/geometry/maths...
I couldn't do it ! -
TIG, we quite often set correct Geo location for our models. It would be great if there was an option in this amazingly useful script to revert back to the previously set Geo location.
I find it's easy enough to apply Elev45 temporarily to a select scene, and then revert the model back to the proper geo location, rather than fiddle with the importing files into a new SKP file etc. At the moment I manually type in the Geo location after letting Elev45 have its way with my model. A 'revert to previous geo location' button would be better. Is this possible to do?
I can't get this plugin working on my mac/SU 2015....I thought I just needed to put the .rbz file in my plugins folder
Just a reminder... I love this plugin. it's great having an architecturally astute plugin developer like TIG making these gems for us. Thanks TIG.