How to divide line and have a mark point too?
it my problem when i divide the line i can't see the end of divide
what command help us sir?
thanks -
The simplest way is to run the cursor along the line until you see a green dot. A light blue dot means you are half way along a line segment.
Sometimes,when I divide lines (right click on it and select "divide" > enter number and hit Enter) I go to the styles dialogue > in model > edit > edge settings and check the display endpoints. This is also useful when working with complex meshes and you want toe asily see all the endpoints you may want to work with.
thanks for your help now i see that..
Select the Edge, then 'Divide' as required - as the split edges remain selected then you can use a tool like my script 'AddVertex+.rb'. Construction [Guide] Points will then be added to every vertex in the selection...
AddVertex+ also splits edges and faces by you picking using key-modifiers.