Is the world Round?
That better?
and do you know what it means?
they should take one of those people out into space to see the earth
Flat? Please!?
Everyone knows the earth is Triangular.
@jon said:
Flat? Please!?
Everyone knows the earth is Triangular.Until it was push pulled and FFD applied.
I always like to give the benefit of the doubt to folks, and see how much rope they reel out before they hang themselves.
It could be they just misinterpreted or misunderstood the concept of "discworld" as being more than a figment of Terry Pratchett's imagination.
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If you have never read his stuff, try one. Witches, Wizzards, Very bizarre, very fun. (Sorry to hear, as reported in his web page, that he has early stages of Altzheimers).
As a professional geographer do you think I could lose my job for holding such 'beliefs'? (not that I do, mind you!)
Assuming it is flat, what does this mean about heaven and hell in the traditional sense (God above, Devil below)? I'd be curious to see how many flat-earthers are religious.
Do you suppose any of these nitwits have ever been in an airplane at 35,000 feet?
@ehaflett said:
As a professional geographer do you think I could lose my job for holding such 'beliefs'? (not that I do, mind you!)
Assuming it is flat, what does this mean about heaven and hell in the traditional sense (God above, Devil below)? I'd be curious to see how many flat-earthers are religious.
It's no more ridiculous to believe in a flat earth than in a supreme supernatural being, surely? Both ancient beliefs, unsupported by any evidence?
Nope. But absence of evidence IS absence of evidence
To my best knowlede the Earth is banana shaped
@gaieus said:
To my best knowlede the Earth is banana shaped
And orbitted by a very small kettle...
In Latin Vulgate Bible, Proverbia 8:31, the shape of The Earth is described as an oblate spheroid:
“…ludens in orbe terrarumet deliciae meae esse cum filiis hominum.”
In English, Proverbs 8:31 wasn’t translated properly…!Cornel
the planet I seem to be living in . . .
Yet across an immense ethereal gulf, minds that to our minds as ours are to the beasts in the jungle, intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us . .. orson welles, 1938
I don't know about the earth but the planet i live on, Zeta Reticuli, is pare shaped
oh..uhmmmm and the TRUTH is out my backyard.
I didn’t realize (till now) that Romania is part of Reticulum Constellation…!
(39 light years away from Earth)Cornel
that's our darkest secret, all romanians are in fact aliens bent on world domination..they just work in misterious and very slow ways. In fact no human ever went into space they were just beamed into Romania.
...inclusiv Vikings or Phoenicians?!?
Iuri Gagarin, also...?!?