[TUTORIAL] Making holes through pipe (cylinder)
Dear Mike,
Your tutorial is instructive on a more advanced level if the reader first opens up the Layers and Scenes dialogue boxes and then activates show "section planes", and all before starting the tutorial at Introduction.
Bob -
It is a very nicely performed tut, Mike!
Thanks for the care! -
Thanks for the feedback guys. It's nice to get a pat on the back from time to time and feel usefull.
I showed to a friend to get his input and we ended up changing the time delays to better the reading time and examination of the drawings. Is there a way that I can update the uploaded file?
Thanks again
Mike RL
Mike, you can always edit your own posts and delete files from it and uplo9ad new attachments. (At least I think you can - I can do it with anyone's posts but maybe only because I'm special
Just tell me if you need help - or post your revised tut in a PM if you cannot change it).
Thank you for the tip Gieus.
I selected "view my posts" and the option to edit was prominent. I clicked on it and was able to reword the message, alter the comment to the attachment, delete the file and attach the revised version.
Thanks AGAIN for your wisdom. I'm very grateful.
Mike RL
@gaieus said:
Mike, you can always edit your own posts and delete files from it and uplo9ad new attachments. (At least I think you can - I can do it with anyone's posts but maybe only because I'm special
Just tell me if you need help - or post your revised tut in a PM if you cannot change it).
Nice Mike, thanks.
Hay, basic.woodwork
Could you explain how do you use the Push-Pull tool to create that growing****cylinders in the tuto. I'm quite interested in your know-how, it could open new ways for animations...
Thanks very much for attention.
Hi Mike,
My question is not on the making holes tut itself but rather on how you made:- to have those text explanations written on the bottom independantly from the animations
- to have only one figure, evoluting from scene to scene
??? " le résultat est vraiment pas mal!!!"
@simon le bon said:
Hi Mike,
My question is not on the making holes tut itself but rather on how you made:- to have those text explanations written on the bottom independantly from the animations
- to have only one figure, evoluting from scene to scene
??? " le résultat est vraiment pas mal!!!"
Hey Simon,
If you have downloaded the file, dissect and analyze it. Look at each scene and see what layers are used to crate it. Also, toggle the section planes on and off.
Thanks for the compliment.
Mike RL
PS for more discussion on this, you can contact me directly if you wish.
basic.woodworks on Skype -
Hi Mike,
It's too late for tonight, and i'm living early in the morning for 15 days without web accessI have understood your clever layer use, but i'm still not understanding the animation of your just one evolutive figure.. be back in 15
Regards simon.
@malaise said:
Hay, basic.woodwork
Could you explain how do you use the Push-Pull tool to create that growing****cylinders in the tuto. I'm quite interested in your know-how, it could open new ways for animations...
Thanks very much for attention.
If you dissect the model, check out the layers, components and turn on the section planes(there should be a button on the top toolbar for that purpose), you should be able to figure it out. By toggling section planes on and off between scenes it gives the illusion of the"growing" pipes.
Hope this helps you
Mike RL
From a newbie who is desperately watching every tutorial he can get, I thank you and commend you for a beautifully executed and well thought out tutorial. You helped me..
@outersketcher said:
From a newbie who is desperately watching every tutorial he can get, I thank you and commend you for a beautifully executed and well thought out tutorial. You helped me..
Wow! Thank David. I never thought this little tut would attract any attention. It really nice to help someone and get a pat on the back from so many others. I'm really glad this helped you.
Have a great day.
Mike RL
Hi basic.woodworks
Nice tut but why have you turned the main cylinder into a group if you have to explode it later on?Bye bye - Ciao
in order to use "section plane", I had to make it a group. but later on, I need to see the whole in it. Had I altered the main tube, it would have wholes in it at the beginning of the tut, thus the 2 similar pipes.
I hope this answers your question.
Mike RL
Add me to your list of admirers- a very neat and well thought-out tutorial.
Just a little feedback:
A- On my little LCD monitor (1024 x 768 display)the explanatory text is chopped off at the right end on the longer lines.B- I think the title could be "Making holes through a solid cylinder". I would like to see you make the cylinder a hollow tube, and make the "cross perforations" appear to be as if a hollow pipe had holes drilled through the sides.
Of course, I may be missing something, maybe my settings?
Again- thanks for the nice work
Edit: Checked it on my laptop (1440 x 900) and got better display, although text still seems to be biased toward right side of screen. Hope I don't seem to picky, just feedback.
The principle of a hollow tube is the exact same. I'm assuming that you would like to have a visible wall thickness?!?
When you draw you're pipe, you need to know the i.d. or o.d of it and wall thickness. so draw a circle of the diameter you know and use the offset tool in which ever direction and type in the thickness measurement, hit enter and simply delete the inner face (inside the pipe outline) then use the push/pull tool or create a path for the follow me tool with the line and arc tools. The rest is all the same.
Mike RL
great tutorial.. thanx
Hi Rich,
Those tabs are for the step-by-step scenes in the tutorial. When you click on the next tab, you should be "taken" to the next scene that explains the next step.
As for your display problem, try this: Go to Window (Sketchup on Mac) > Preferences > OpenGL settings and try to fiddle aound the different checkboxes.
Most probably there is an issue with your video card/driver (if it's a laptop, maybe you have an integrated chipset on it which is not good news).
Disabling Hardware acceleration may help you but then SU will be slower. Try to update your video driver (or get a edicatd video card).
There should be only screen text on the first page/scene.