Help me to do this.. "Curved ramp" Please..
Hello Gai,
Is it possible to see it from youtube? -
Hi Iglesias
Good call as Screw does do a better job.
Thx for the heads up.Now we need one for non helical curved paths.
Anti twist mode.The rez for me on youTube was not good enough to see the tut but you sound like a good guy in any case.
Hi dtr,
If you want a video with more resolution, download from this link. -
Thx for the link.
Very nice tut and good of you to do the work.Back to business.
Hi..Iglesias Thanks for your help
but i have no plug-in "screw1_5"
please give me here or send it to my e-mail
Thanks in advance
Witjazz -
Hello Witjazz,
In this link you can download the plugin.
Regards -
Hello Iglesias
Why i can't do like you did
when i type 4,16 m and then enter it not appear a window "steps and turns"
i just apply the cursor along the azis "z" already
... -
Possibly your SketchUp is different to mine, try to use a point instead of comma.
using pc sir
am live in Thailand
i use SketchUp pro 6
i try to type dot already but it not work -
Steps to use screw.
- Select the profile.
- choose plugin.
- Select first end, then clic.
- Move upwards z direction.
- Type the distance, in your case 4,16 and push enter key, then appear the menu "steps and turns"
Steps to use screw.
- Select the profile.
- choose plugin.
- Select first end, then clic.
- Move upwards z direction.
- Type the distance, in your case 4,16 and push enter key,
then appear the menu "steps and turns"(not appear the menu in this step for me sir)
can you expain what is 4 and 16
now! i finish it already sir thank you so much -
Excellent tutorial! Muchas Gracias!
Where can I find this plugin to try it. Thanks
@unknownuser said:
Where can I find this plugin to try it.
If you speak of Screw 1.5 : here the link
You have also a cool plug for make some ramps
Shape Bender by Chris Fullmer