[Plugin] SketchyBevel 0.1(Updated May 11)
The ruby works very well.
I love it that one can use it by simply right clicking the selected geometry.
Very speedy.One little remark:
The ruby seems to only bevel concave corners and not the convex ones.
see image:Besides the small hickups, this is a very fine ruby.
Thank you Chris.@Majid,
I believe the issue you experience indeed has to do with the bevel value set too high. -
Hm. Weird ...
It dosen´t work in all the cases... but still is very useful
Yup, and it certainly is a step in the right direction.
where is the file to download your plugin???
...i don't find it!!! please i need SketchyBevel!!! -
Look at first post on 1st page one of this thread.
@solo said:
Look at first post on 1st page one of this thread.
i click on [Plugin] SketchyBevel 0.1 but this is a link to another page!
...i'm going crazy. please HELP ME!!! -
Right-click (Windows) or press command and click (Mac), then download.
Stinkie you have been using your mac too long that you forgot the Windoze system.
Left click and save in your SU plugins folder.
lol! You're right. My humblest apologies!
Also: CTRL + click, not command + click ...
I'm gonna trade in my 8 cores for an abacus, I think.
i feel stupid! but i'm clicking on it ( [Plugin] SketchyBevel 0.1 )
...if there is another way to download it...SHOW ME PLEASE! -
Look at the very bottom of the first post-- under the animating demo. There's an attachment called:
SketchyBevel.rbThat's what you click on. If that doesn't work for you, then tell us what browser and OS you are using.
but before under the animating demo there wasn't this file, but the was a sentence on a yellow backgrond that i don't remember! maybe a stay a lot in front of the pc...
Howerer THANK YOU!!! -
Like the built in Outliner tool Bevel doesnt work with "holes" in faces. You can usually work around those problems by subdividing the face with a hole.
Here is an example. The mesh on the left doesn't Bevel right. But add a line to break up the hole and it works. Then you can just erase the extra edges.
Thanks for the explanation, it clarifies a lot.
@chippwalters said:
Look at the very bottom of the first post-- under the animating demo. There's an attachment called:
SketchyBevel.rbThat's what you click on. If that doesn't work for you, then tell us what browser and OS you are using.
Good call. Didn't realise he hadn't found the attachment.
Thanks Chris,
Drawing that extra line indeed works.
Thanks! This is great,good job
Yep, this tool is seriously cool. And when you combine it with Dale's Crease tool and Jim's soon to be released Jitter-- you can do some amazing things! BTW, Dales Crease tool should be a product unto itself, it's so useful, especially in parallel projection mode.
Thank you Chris!!! Extra line is the solution
Daniel S
PS. Not very important but when you apply the sketchybevel tool 2 times.. the plugin create a lot of extra lines that are not used and not create faces... is there a way to easily eliminate this lines?