Re: Some Funny Pics.
Do they come in extra small?
I can think of many many things into which I would put my penis/scrotum, long before considering using one of those...
Do these 'inventors' have no imagination whatsoever ??
@tig said:
I can think of many many things into which I would put my penis/scrotum, long before considering using one of those...
Do these 'inventors' have no imagination whatsoever ??
Do enlighten us!
TIG's plug in
@solo said:
@krisidious said:
Do they come in extra small?
Need a tight fit? or is there another reason?
Don't want to waste materials that won't be used... Just thinking green.
@unknownuser said:
Only in the U.S.
Well unlike Americans the rest of the world has a natural penis sock now don't they...
with the exception of Israel of course.
@krisidious said:
...Well unlike Americans the rest of the world has a natural penis sock now don't they...
with the exception of Israel of course.
And all the Muslim world
@gaieus said:
@krisidious said:
...Well unlike Americans the rest of the world has a natural penis sock now don't they...
with the exception of Israel of course.
And all the Muslim world
Muslims get circumcisions too? I had no idea. So it's all the God-lovers huh?
The demonstration prank was great!
@krisidious said:
...Muslims get circumcisions too? I had no idea. So it's all the God-lovers huh?
I dunno. Have you still got that little foreskin?
Edit: Abraham, the first to offer his foreskin to God (
) had two sons. Ismael - the "father" of the Arabs - and Isaac - the forefather of the Jews.
So why not imagine it comes from the same tradition?
(No, actually it was an Egyptian custom which apparently spread in the Middle-East in many cultures later).
How do you circumcise a whale?
With Four Skin Divers.
Boom tish
No, I don't... In America, at least when I was born, the Doctors didn't even ask parents, they just did it. And your right the covenant with god does come from Abraham the father of the fathers of both religions, so it would make sense that they both do it.
I bet you never thought you'd "know" me that well huh?
EDIT: I have it on good authority from a Muslim friend that all Muslims do indeed get the same treatment.
@box said:
How do you circumcise a whale?
With Four Skin Divers.
Boom tish
I bet that job takes some time.
Yep, but have you ever wondered where calamari comes from.
A man walks into the clinic and asks the doctor to castrate him
- Are you 100% sure? - asks the doctor.
- Ah yes, definitely - answers the patient.
After the operation, the doctor is still curious and cannot help but goes to the patient and asks him - Now that the operation was successful, please, tell me what made you decide this way...
- Well - says the patient -, you know, I have been going out with this perfect woman in my life but she is Jewish and insisted...
- But that's not called 'castration' but 'circumcision' - says the doctor
- Aaah yesss, that's indeed what she said, thanks! - says the patient.