Re: Some Funny Pics.
I hope he wasn't on the 7th floor.
naked on the internet with webcam on...first fail.
"The hot bit goes at the back."
Not quite as funny as the previous video.
LOL, Jeremy is a tosser, but 'Captain slow' James May is a hoot.
As Billy Connelly observed - if you made it compulsory for all air-line passengers to carry a loaded gun then the hijacking rate should drop dramatically, as everyone would be armed and could defend themselves
Or you should always carry a bomb on an aeroplane. The chances of one bomb on a plane are pretty small but the chances of twobombs on the a plane are astronomically minuscule.
Hm. The last one, I assure, is spot on. I get rudely awakened every morning between 5 and 6(!) by a kid maniacally jumping on the bed and screaming "Booooooooob the builder, wah! Wah! Wah!" at the top of his lungs.
Booooooooob the builder, wah! Wah! Wah!
boing, boing, boing
Booooooooob the builder, wah! Wah! Wah!
boing, boing, boing
Booooooooob the builder, wah! Wah! Wah!
boing, boing, boing
Has anyone posted this yet?
and the parody
There are some real nutters out there so watch your backs.