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Re: Some Funny Pics.
Bud ain't beer - regardless of what they market it as.
Please tell me you don't have to pull anything to start the flow...
Thought these were funny.
Good to know.
Damn Those guys don't frog around....
^^ this is how it looks when i try do something myself (i mean offline)
I've worked with a joiner like that...
Ain't nothing like a good shower!
@tig said:
I've worked with a joiner like that...
I dunno. .. I think it takes a heckuva craftsman to pull that off. HIRE THAT MAN!!!
I know that in many countries the old VW is known as a Bubble, but this image gives it a completely different view...
(Wonder if this is a real car or a 3D render...??)
Bubble boy's first car?
A new sport... Scrolling...
Liking the atheist toast boo