What do you or the firm you work for specialize in?
Hi Ron
Attempting to produce the definitive ‘how to do’ dvd on making the through and lapped dovetail.
Including tool fettling, specialist jigs.etc etc In some respects it could be called ‘My secrets to successful dovetailing’The modelling has been fun in Sketch Up. Nearly finished the first draft, then need to skill up in rendering and all the other stuff.
A very interesting project and having great time doing it. Probably my most interesting project to date.
Institutional and university laboratories, federal courthouses, the rehabilitation of historic monuments, residential towers. Oh, and we did the Monsanto House of the Future at Disneyland in California in 1957-59. I have a model (bought at the Disney Store) sitting on my desk.
I'm not actually supposed to associate the firm with anything I write on-line, but if you want more information I can send you the website link by PM.
I have another part-time job, at least during the school year, teaching 3D Modeling and Illustration at the Boston Architectural College.
Aviation, corporate, education, healthcare, public sector, religious institutions, landscape/planning and recently, government buildings. And I have worked in all.
If you look under "projects" and then "on the boards", you will see some of my models. Actually all but the condo and boathouse are mine. Although I did model the condo, it is just not on the site.
Strip Malls! no, really. We also do commercial, schools, and medical. But our bread and butter these days is restaurants
We do residential landscape design/ build, although now we're drifting into structural stuff as well. So, pretty much everything from plantings to pools to additions, or as we put it- "anything you can do to the outside of your house."
my professional activity is double-sided as I am a professor of architecture at the local public university (where I teach mostly architectural design) and head a small architectural firm in partnership with my wife.
as the architectural profession in brasil is structured in a somewhat different way compared to north america, very few people specialize in specific kinds of projects and/or buildings. thus I could say we are specialists in architectural design, a field which encompasses a lot, including urban design and landscape. we basically do what comes our way: right now we are doing a closed holiday community (urban plan and non-residential buildings), a coffee house, a jewelry store, two houses (one is combined with a pizza joint owned by the clients) and some urban landscaping (including benches, posts, plant boxes and the like).
thus I use SU as a real design tool, to test ideas and to show them to clients. even though I love taking images to the end I do not always have the time to play with a model in a rendering environment.
since our firm is really small I am trying to gain enough expertise to be able to design, draw, model, render and present all by myself. this way I will not depend on anyone to help me although I usually have a couple of students around.
"Anything for a buck!"
(Except toilets, I won't do toilets anymore :`)
Seriously, I'm a contract "architectural technician" with too manyyears experience doing just about anything needs doing...since most puzzles are as interesting as the next and they all pay the same (hourly rate).
I try to do mostly Concepts and leave the technical details to other people but has nicely said "Anything for a buck".
I am a partner with a architectural company where we do planning architecure.... I also have a company of my own where I do interior design,
shop design(shop fitting),graphic design.
I think that for a Year now the thing I really enjoy is doing illustrations.I think Ill be moving on in that direction. -
I get to play with SketchUp all day.
I still do a small amount of book illustration, that's how I got into SU...doing Dorling Kindersley type technical stuff. SU is ideal for that.
I prefer straight watercolour illustrations though. Here's a spread for the opening pages of The Pied Piper.
Hi Alan
Beautiful work. Love it. So much going on there.
Alan'From a study overlooking a sunny few fields with a few horse and now off to make a rather tasty chicken/veg curry. Cheers!!!
I work in Local Government for the Architects Division.
The majority of our work is in education but with the Council owning so many different types of buildings in the City we can work on some very interesting stuff.
The good thing is I am the only person who carries out the 3d models, so I am usually always busy, but happy!Dylan
In house matte painter and concept artist at Rushes Post Production ltd, Soho.
Rushes does VFX work on commercials, film, tv and documentaries.
And, since I usually have to explain what a 'matte painter' is:
BTW: Beautiful work, Alan!
I work in a small architectural department of a large company producing many kinds of services to facility owners.
Our department is specialized to renovation and conservation work, but currently we are engaged in many other kinds of projects as well. We rarely do housing.
I came from a totally different background.
I was a successful record producer/engineer throughout the 60s, 70, and into 80s, I build my own studios ( yes physically with hammer and nails) and studied acoustics in my spare time through various libraries. I then moved into TV sound production and built my own post production studios.
After a break heading a TV and Sound Production course at a university I wrote and illustrated "how to build a recording studio" and posted it on the web in 1998 for free. I sold it to the School of Audio Engineering (SAE - the largest audio school in the world) in 2001 and it is still available for free. http://www.saecollege.de/reference_material/index.html
In 2003 I established a forum on studio design that now has over 7000 members and ticks up 90 - 100K hits per day.
I now operate an international online studio design business. I don't ever claim to be an architect or an acoustician - I'm a designer.
Just me and my computer, sketchup and skype, overlooking a paddock of happy bulls and cows - yup there's 3 bulls in there.
john -
mostly retail but we work in all typs of projects
mike d
I am an Architectural Illustrator. I also aid clients in conceptual design. I work in residential and commercial markets. My clients range from Architects/Designers, Builder/Developers, Real Estate Agents, and Mom and Pops remodels/additions (these are my least fav).
I typically take a project all the way to a finished rendering.
PS... beautiful work Alan!
Im just on placement for the summer, but its been good experience and helps a lot with uni work, the place that i work at specialises in listed building works and schools with the odd bit of residential (pendant on age) hopefully i can get into more standard residential architecture and detailing as this will most likely be the outcome for me
We've worked on industrial, corporate, retail, institutional/educational, and some residential architecture. We also do quite a bit of historic preservation/restoration work. Most recently, I've just completed renovations to a fraternity house, have another under construction, and am working on renovations to a dormitory and restoration work to an 1852 courthouse and a 1920's theatre.
Our very outdated website is at http://www.sparkmanarchitect.com
The company I work for designs, builds & maintains tradeshow and museum exhibits. A good portion of our staff are from live theatre, television and film backgrounds. I am the senior designer and head the production department of design, project menegement, graphics & estimates. We also arrange all the shipping, labor at show sites and just plain logistics of getting an exhibit to the tradeshow and back again, nationally & internationally.
I'm a one man shop and I like it that way. At this time, I'm working on house for some great clients. This is actually my second project with them. And I have a addition/remodel in the "wings".
In past decades, I have specialized in auto dealerships, but haven't done one in a while now.
Who among us would trade what we do for a living?