SU upgrades
The Mac update seems mostly related to fixing 3D-Warehouse upload issues. The release notes are:
On OSX 10.5+, SketchUp may have shown a "License Exceeded" error during authorization. This has been fixed.
On OSX 10.5+, SketchUp was encountering issues uploading models to the 3DWH. This upload has been fixed. Please be aware that large models may take a significant time to upload and the system may appear to be hung at the progress bar. The upload should complete if given sufficient timeNOTE: The install of the update did clobber my licensing information. I'd make sure you have that information handy before you run the update.
Yes, this release was to target the WH issue with Mac Leopard.
i will upgrade then. i have had the "license exceeded" problem for ages.
Not so good...
I think this means skethcup 7 won't be released untill the Q2 of this year! -
i have just updated to latest build for mac.
on the positive side:
- "license exceeded" is gone; no more weird messages at startup.
- SU opens much faster now.
on the negative side:
- when i close SUp there comes a message saying that it closed "unexpectedly" even though by having pressed command-Q i should be expecting it, shouldn't i?
Seems to me there is still some work to be done on SketchUp 6. I know I am waiting for a few patches.
It would be nice to get those things cleared up before a SketchUp 7 is layered on top of it. -
I've contacted Fred, but if anyone else notices that somehow the install deleted your license, please post it here - it shouldn't, and I'm trying to trace this. Thanks for your help.
I did have a couple of crashes today with the new version. After the second crash -which required a reboot- I remembered I'd installed the ThawUp fix back when I first started using Leopard. I ran the ThawUp uninstaller and during a couple hours additional use had no further problems. Anyone have any additional information about whether ThawUp is still needed?
@edson said:
did you guys notice there are new upgrades available at the GG site: 6.4.112 for Windows XP, 2000 and Vista and 6.4.245 for Mac OS X 10.4 or later? this is for the pro version.
any noticeable difference? any complaints about them?
Edson SU 6.4.112 for Windows has been available since about mid December last year already.
@unknownuser said:
Edson SU 6.4.112 for Windows has been available since about mid December last year already.
oops, sorry. as the mac udate was released these days i just assumed both were released together. false alarm, folks.
This maintenance release only targeted Mac version.