[Plugin] Xref Manager v5.0
This is an awesome add-in!
It allows me to work with Sketchup in a way which is similar to the way SolidWorks manages files.
Can I ask an ENORMOUS favor? Can your menus be included in the right mouse button menus?
That would be a tremendous "click" saver.
Thanks again,
I've been using the Xref Manager and it works well on small models. Larger models with more than one 'assembly' cause it to lock up when refreshing.
Please see the attached file
thanks for looking at this,
Unfortunately the xrefs are specific to your folder structure and report as 'unpathed' on mine !
You certainly have a lot of xrefs ! Surely a lot of your components are particular to that model and aren't used in other models so there is no advantage in having them 'external' ?
If you find that you need a compo for another assembly then save_as it then...
I recommend that you only use a handful of external 'xref' compos. For example you are making a housing estate... the model is the site and xrefs of each house type are use. IF they change then you can update the model to suit. It was never intended for you to split all of your model's compos to outside. Only externalise those things that are to be reused elsewhere and if they change need to be update-able...
The problem seems to stem from files made up of components which themselves are made up of components.
The file Folding Workbench file consists of 3 components each of which is made up of multiple components. If your process limited itself to the components actually in the file it would probably be okay. I played around in the manager and if I only allowed the components in the Folding Workbench file to refresh all was well.
Your tool allows me to work with files in the same manner I do in the other modeler I use, which is SolidWorks. Splitting files into multiple components allows me to dimension the components in a logical manner (at least for me) without using multiple scenes and such.
Thanks for looking at this. All the components are in the parent folder of the main file. This should make it easy to reconnect if you want to test your code on it.
@cdubea said:
Can I ask an ENORMOUS favor? Can your menus be included in the right mouse button menus?
@Chris and TIG - PLEASE, TIG, NO! My R-Click menu is already WAYYY too long as it is.
Chris, simply set up a shortcut button to the xref options, Try 'x' if you didn't assign that to 'explode' already... No more stuff in our menus that isn't absolutely necessary, please!
That said,
Thanks for this, TIG! I have finally found the time/necessity to experiment with this thing. Seems ok so far with small stuff. I'm wondering if you have a tutorial explaining how it all works, as I'm a bit confused (I've been using AutoCAD for years and years, and am one of the office's 'CADMasters' (their word, not mine)... so I know xref-ing very well.
I need to know: I know I can choose to DELETE the xref in the xref manage... but I want to unload it, that is, I want to keep the info and path to the xref inside the SU model without completely deleting it. How do I 'unload' the file, so that my model is much smaller, but then I can reload the file quickly again to see the xref again next time I open my model to work. (I'm doing a hospital addition, I have a huge hospital/site/context model I want to xref into my 'addition building' model... I want the 'addition' model to stay 'small' in size... so I want to be able to quickly unload the context model, and reload it at will)
What is the advantage to/workflow suggestion of converting components to xrefs? Though I convert them to become xrefs, aren't they still making my file bigger? (hence why one may want an 'unload' option)
Is there a way we could have an option kind of like ACAD where you can define the automatic insertion point of the xref to be the origin of the current model? This is important because sometimes the origin is difficult to snap to, buried deep inside/under other geometry in your model, and you just want your context model to pop in with the same 0,0 origin.
TIG, one last thing... it would be really cool if you could tell me how I can move the xref manager to the Tools pulldown, as my plugins menu already drops down past the bottom of my screen... but I have lots of room under the tools menu... and I think of this as a great 'tool'.
ps - if you get 'unload' working... then one more function would be very cool... 'unload all xrefs' and 'reload all xrefs'... these could then be a shortcut key and life is beautiful.
what the heck is that?! I tried to xref in a .dwg and it says
"This requires 'win32ole.so' to be in the Plugins folder! Exiting..."any help?!
@fletch said:
what the heck is that?! I tried to xref in a .dwg and it says
"This requires 'win32ole.so' to be in the Plugins folder! Exiting..."any help?!
If you got an earlier version of XrefManager it was in the zip file. It's a Windows only extension that 'scripts' keyboard actions into events in the script - e.g. open the dialog then press the down-arrow key 4 times, then TAB, then type "xxxxx", then hit <enter>. It's fairly crude but lets you access some functions that aren't accessible through Ruby...Here it is... Unzip it... Add it to Plugins
muchas gracias, amigo!
Any chance of getting the Xref Manager tweaked to show only the top level components in the Xref Manager dialog bog?
@cdubea said:
Any chance of getting the Xref Manager tweaked to show only the top level components in the Xref Manager dialog bog?
Due to multiple issues, I've gotten to the point where this tool is no longer useful to me.
These are (in no particular order)
Inability to effectively deal with multiply nested parts. This is due to the fact that ALL xref'd components of ALL components are listed in the manager. This causes multiple rebuilding to be required and WILL go into an infinite loop requiring Sketchup to be shut down.
Issues with sub component names not being updated. A part that I renamed the components did not update properly. Some component names changed, some didn't.
Had issues with component names have #1... being added to them.
Any chance of getting some of these things rectified?
i get this error
Error Loading File XrefManager.rb
undefined method `add_submenu' for nil:NilClassAndrew
same error message for me...
Try v5.1 that fixes this... see below or here:
When I try to click on the link I get a message saying "you are not authorised to read this forum"
@perk said:
When I try to click on the link I get a message saying "you are not authorised to read this forum"
+1, get the tools out and fix it.
Ok, links are fixed.
Great response time, thanks!
Thanks Jim
its working now
So does this work as XREF in autocad that it reduces model size and hence adds to speed cuz the model is referenced and not attached or bound, (inserted) into the mother model?