Happy New Year to you all.
Best wishes,
Bob -
Well, its only 7 PM here and now Im not going to do anything at all tonight because my girlfriend is being a super, umm, lets just say jerk, because she "wont know anyone there" so no fun party with my friends for me, even though she said she would go before she got here...
Happy New Year though.
we are in the same time zone, it's still 2007 here too.
My wife, two boy,s and myself are playing XBOX 'Rockband' tonight....until 2008!
Our band is called 'WRIP' William. Rebecca, Ian and Pete...so we are rocking into the new year...
Stay home and have a great time, family is all you need.
Its 7:04 now and I'm also spending the night with my family. A couple of friends will stop by for a champagne coctail (3-5 dashes Agnostora bitters on a sugar cube, shot of brandy, top up with champagne and add a twist of orange.) Damn they are good, but they are a cruel mistress if you have to many. I learned that last year.
Happy New Year Friends!
Made it (the fireworks are going off as I type :`)
Happy New Year to all!
same here in the Big 'D'.
Prosperous new year to all.
Gee, it has been about 16 hours since we kissed '07 goodbye and my head still hurt....
2.008 made it here a little while ago. Kissed my love and she went to bed. Now I'm just waiting for my older daughter to come home before I go to bed.
Thanks to everyone to the east of me for breaking the year in before it got here.
A sweet 2008 to you all and a lot of Sketchuping.....
To all of you here
Happy New Year
All the Best Wishes for 2008Wo3Dan
(still 10 fingers and no headache!)
Happy New Year to All (it's been almost 13 hours since we changed the calendar on the wall here).
Mike (with a slightly sosre head this morning)
@mike lucey said:
Mike (with a slightly sosrehead this morning)
And a bit of spelling disabilities (though I shouldn't say a word...)
Happy New Year!!
All in all I couldnt complain about spending the night with her. About ten minutes after i made that post it got a little bit less boring. Then today i spent the day at her parents house with all her family. Not the worst start ever, I'm just not used to being around any form of family on New Years.
Happy New Year all and may your New Year's Resolution last as long as your sincerity when casting it
one of the good points of my 2007 was meeting you guys and becoming an active member of this community.
may we be as helpful and friendly to each other as we have been so far.
i wish you all a great 2008.