Recent developments
So I take it you would rather I didn't try to post a /. story about this.
In all seriousness though, thanks Coen for the shelter and the quick forum category juggling. I'll try to look up from the Linux muck every once and a while and see what is happening to my old SketchUp comrades.
Lewis Wadsworth
Great, Coen, Thanks a lot!
@unknownuser said:
Do you want a Linux forum Lewis? Just say the word.
Thanks so much, Coen, but let's hold off on that for a bit. One of the reasons I'm spending so much time of my private time with Ubuntu Linux these days is so that I can understand how the system might work with a modern architectural practice. The item that I'm missing, unfortunately, is SketchUp...CAD, office apps, plotter drivers, something that works with my's all there. But no SketchUp. Just doesn't work on Linux in any real way, and there just doesn't seem to be any quick fix without devoting a couple of years of my life to relearning to code.
I've been hoping that Google would provide a port as they did with Google Earth and Picasa, but it's not in the cards apparently. And until I find something in Linux-land close to SketchUp, I think you should stick with SketchUp as the focus here. It would amount to much of a "fork" in the forum to devote space to the SU-deprived Linux world right now.
If I find anything of interest to the general community, I'll of course post in this corner bar. For instance, I've found this fellow who is soliciting proposals for a new open-source CAD/Modeler program he's writing, called soon as I have some time, I'll post some links here, because I know from which piece of software we would all like him to take his prompts.
Thanks again.
Lewis Wadsworth
Thanks again Coen! I think most of the alienation has come from google, though........
Perhaps a donation plan for a gallery? I'd be 'in' for doing something like that.
Cheers, Chuck
Perhaps you could add a Gallery, but require that all images are hosted at other locations like imageshack or individual's own servers? A job forum? I appreciate your efforts, I know it is a big job.
That seems like a good solution
Coen, I wouldn't worry about waking the beast known as google. You're not stealing anyone. It's a free market, and if you make something good, people will come. I have been a member of this forum early on and will remain so. The good thing is, I will be visiting more often.
A lot of forums (particularly graphics heavy ones like cgtalk and ) require members to host images themselves, and then hotlink them to the site.
Seems to work fine - I've never had any trouble with it. I think there are still some free online image dump sites that allow hotlinking too, so people without access to their own webspace can pitch in too.
This system does occasionally lead to broken image links, but that's because their creator has stopped hosting them - by which point the thread is therefore pretty much dead anyway.
Methinks I might be visiting here a lot.
It seems Google SketchUp is listening...
13th post down on page 6.
One big Thanks Coen for providing this forum.
Hope things catch up here once everyone moves
Mateo. -
Thanks a lot for all your hard work.
Still working at 3:00 AM ?
If all the Google guys were like you... -
A lot of warm friendness seems to grow on this forum.
I was not on the beginning of "our old" forum but I think the feeling was the same.Thanks again for your fantastic work, Cohen, it's fantastic you react so positively!
Coen, thanks for all this. Maybe this was a little bit of a blessing in disguise- I know I for one had stopped posting as regularly. Sometimes it just takes getting a little fire lit under your butt (can I say butt? Are the cuss rules just about George Carlin's words, or more?).
@unknownuser said:
A lot of warm friendness seems to grow on this forum.
I was not on the beginning of "our old" forum but I think the feeling was the same.It felt exactly like this, Patrice. I feel four-to-five years younger
Just tought I'd drop in and say hello,
You have done a great job with the site and the fora so far Coen keep up the good work, and let me know if you ever need some help I'm here if you need me.
Everytime I come back to check things out - you have made things better than I could have thought. That new front page, icons and descriptions are great. I don't know how you are going to make this any better, but I know you and I think you already have something else cooked up, another way to serve the SU community. You rock brother!Shaun Tennant