[Tutorial > Modeling] Basic Roof
Sorry Goggin. Looking back it should have read select all then intersect with model. I imagine you were only selecting one face. After you have done this all the "over runs" on the roof plane should intersect with each other then you can delete out what you don't want.
I hope this helps.
When you say "select all", do you mean go to the edit pull-down menu and click on "select all"? Then I have to right-click on something to get the "intersect with model" option, and it's unclear where I should click, or if that matters. But nothing happens when I do that.
Can you explain what step 6 is for? Once I click on that face, I get an extrusion as soon as I move my mouse to do something else, and the extrusion comes forward or backwards, depending on which direction I move the cursor-- ie, to go up to the edit pull-down menu.
Maybe I'm just being slow, but it seems like there are some steps missing between 6 and 7.
Have a look at this vdeo. It will explain how to do that select all > intersect the model pretty well.
As for Eric's step 6; make very sure that you also accomplish step 5 before. That will tell the follow me tool what path it needs to follow. If you don't preselect the face (or the edges all around), the follow me tool will remain "manual"; you can drag the face all around but that's cumbersome.
@gaieus said:
Have a look at this vdeo. It will explain how to do that select all > intersect the model pretty well.
As for Eric's step 6; make very sure that you also accomplish step 5 before. That will tell the follow me tool what path it needs to follow. If you don't preselect the face (or the edges all around), the follow me tool will remain "manual"; you can drag the face all around but that's cumbersome.
Hmm, I wonder how you found that video
I just hope Zak gets his model figured out. Took me ages to do the same thing without having the video or this forum. And as always a great tutorial that I wish I had before.The only thing is that whenever I download a tut from you I wind up with every single tool bar all piled up vertically and aligned to the left. With one tool bar per row. I cant figure that one out for the life of me since I have all of the tool bars on by default to begin with, so I cant understand why your tuts (and only yours) mess up the alignment.
@unknownuser said:
Hmm, I wonder how you found that video
Well, everyone learns something new each day...
@gaieus said:
@unknownuser said:
Hmm, I wonder how you found that video
Well, everyone learns something new each day...
Agreed, personally if I dont learn something new every day, be it a useless bit of info or something life changing, its a waste of a day.At least I can say I am not like other people my age who think learning anything is automatically uncool. I cant speak for other countries, but admitting that I enjoy reading to some people gets looks of disgust. Its a shame really.
....Wait, is that the first time I showed you something? Must...not...get...big...egoOh and take most of my comments with a grain of salt, its hard to tell using text, but i am a VERY sarcastic person. The problem being that I come off as arrogant pretty much all the time, even though I try not to.
Just a warning I give to everyone since I tend to be unpopular... Had I not done that at work the two new girls said they would probably hate me.
(In short sorry for sounding like a stuck up kid or however I may have come across. Assuming thats what the little roll-eyes guy was for)Any thoughts on why my computer doesnt agree with your tuts though?
I knew this technique but hadn't seen those videos yet (there's a bunch of really cool ones). I think after this transfer I'll start putting a "help links post" in the newbie forum. These come in really handy.
As for Eric's tutorial - it scrambles up my toolbars, too.
@gaieus said:
I knew this technique but hadn't seen those videos yet (there's a bunch of really cool ones). I think after this transfer I'll start putting a "help links post" in the newbie forum. These come in really handy.
As for Eric's tutorial - it scrambles up my toolbars, too.
Odd, maybe his computer doesnt play nice with others.And I was going to post a pile of links with a title of each video and a short description of what is explained, but then I found Aidan Chopra's website and figured if it was all up there and for his book that maybe I shouldnt post links. Could any of you maybe contact him and see if he is ok with it? I know they are on a public site, but being part of his book...
I actually had about half a page started on that post too. If that would be ok I would be more than happy to watch every one of those videos in my spare time and make that post.
Everything is OK, Masta, this is a community forum where people help each other and not the mods telling who can help...
We just don't really have the time for this at the moment, you see... -
@gaieus said:
Everything is OK, Masta, this is a community forum where people help each other and not the mods telling who can help...
We just don't really have the time for this at the moment, you see...I know exactly how much of a hassle it is to move posts. I think I will start on this list of links to all the videos in a day or two if nobody gets to it first. Green friday (black friday according to any other store) is coming up and I have been blessed with 12+ hour shifts, so until next week I dont have much energy to start it.
I just didnt want to start posting all the links and then irritate someone like I have done before. It almost got me in a lot of trouble once.
OK, thanks.
I created a "Getting started" topic in the Newbie forum. If you wish, you can post in it any time and the first post will be updated accordingly.
I might split this thread however and move it into the ideas forum (getting off-topic a little bit
@goggin said:
When you say "select all", do you mean go to the edit pull-down menu and click on "select all"? Then I have to right-click on something to get the "intersect with model" option, and it's unclear where I should click, or if that matters. But nothing happens when I do that.
Can you explain what step 6 is for? Once I click on that face, I get an extrusion as soon as I move my mouse to do something else, and the extrusion comes forward or backwards, depending on which direction I move the cursor-- ie, to go up to the edit pull-down menu.
Maybe I'm just being slow, but it seems like there are some steps missing between 6 and 7.
Sometimes I explain things assuming everybody knows what I do
It seems if you are getting an extrusion you still have the follow me tool selected.
Make sure you have your select tool. Then triple click on the roof. Click three times fast. This will select all the geometry that is connecting, I.E. select all.- Or, you can window around all the geometry, hence selecting all. -
Then right click on one of the faces or lines that is now selected. You will see the intersect option. Use intersect with model.
Sorry again for the vague directions.
I hope this helps. -
@masta squidge said:
@gaieus said:
I knew this technique but hadn't seen those videos yet (there's a bunch of really cool ones). I think after this transfer I'll start putting a "help links post" in the newbie forum. These come in really handy.
As for Eric's tutorial - it scrambles up my toolbars, too.
Odd, maybe his computer doesnt play nice with others.Or maybe your computers are not as accepting as they should be. Ever thought of that
Seriously, I have never had anybody's tut mess up my toolbars. You must have your Sketchup in "Restore Down" mode rather than full screen. When you open a new instance, I.E. a tutorial, it can mess up the toolbars. Another reason for a locking toolbar update! I think I have been on that soapbox for years now.
@unknownuser said:
@masta squidge said:
@gaieus said:
I knew this technique but hadn't seen those videos yet (there's a bunch of really cool ones). I think after this transfer I'll start putting a "help links post" in the newbie forum. These come in really handy.
As for Eric's tutorial - it scrambles up my toolbars, too.
Odd, maybe his computer doesnt play nice with others.Or maybe your computers are not as accepting as they should be. Ever thought of that
Seriously, I have never had anybody's tut mess up my toolbars. You must have your Sketchup in "Restore Down" mode rather than full screen. When you open a new instance, I.E. a tutorial, it can mess up the toolbars. Another reason for a locking toolbar update! I think I have been on that soapbox for years now.
I like your thoughts about my computer better than my own.
And I for one am right in line for that locking toolbars thing. -
Now that IS interesting. Nice video. Talk about a time saver. Thanks.
In step 4 of the tutorial, it says to "extend the roof profile to half the largest distance." I understand what that means, but I don't know how to do that. Can someone please explain? I'm sure it's an easy step.
Say an easy way would be:
- start drawing a line from the top endpoint of your profile
- hover over the slanting edge until you get the inference "on line"
- now press (and keep pressed) the Shift key to lock your line in that direction
- start extending the line towards the middle of the roof (shift still pressed)
- use the midpoint of the edge of the "ceiling" closest to you to set the extent of your line
- now you can click to finis drawing the line
- draw a vertical and a horizontal line to close the face
- delete extra geometry...
Also you can start (at step 2) with a rectangle big enough to reach to the middle of the roof.
interesting, i really liked this tutorial, everyone should learn these types of tutorials. At any rate, there is the roof tool which can handle most of the work, for which i use now instead of doing it the long way. Still, should learn this anyways.
Yes that's true. But IMO learning the basics and realizing the ways SU work is essential before getting to tools that are not supposed to do the job instead of us but to help us and speed up the workflow.
Yet I hope that our scripter friends won't misunderstand my words and think that I put their works down.
I wrote Roof.rb AND I agree that you should know how to do a roof "manually". I will still make simple roofs by hand. Sometimes even complex roofs are easier that way too - try roofing a cranked star shape and it'll fail - there are shapes that can't be roofed with a hip that's all the same pitch - it's just physically impossible - so that's when doing it 'the long way' is needed...
Understanding what SUp can do 'straight out of the box' helps you see where some plugins MIGHT help in complex tasks, but knowing how to do something is invaluable, even if you rarely need to actually do it...