Failed to Save ...2D Image Export
Before the threads disappeared I started one up about this. The verdict was that it was not the machine. I, and a number of other people that posted with similar problems, have sufficient machines. Basically never really heard anything about it from Google. On the official Google pro forum, one of the Google guys posted that he thought it was a resource issue, and that I should try using layout instead
kind of defeats the purpose. But, I never did get a good answer from anyone (which seems to be common) (which is why I started checking out these forums)
The only work around I could get, and it doesn't work every time, is to close every program on my machine, except Sketchup, and export. Still, the max I could get was 6000.
Also, it never had anything to do with the size of the model as I tried a simple box, no textures, never use AA; and it still wouldn't go above 4000.
It would seem that this should be investigated further.
I also have experienced this problem.
I upgraded to the latest incremental update of SketchUp (6.0.1099) hoping this "bug" had been fixed.
No joy. The problem still exists.
The frustrating thing is there is no real indication as to what could be the cause of this.
You just receive an error message saying "Failed to save".
Does anyone know if this is actually being looked in to by Google?Regards
Mr S -
I've just reported this thread to some folks at Google who I know will review it. If it is a new issue I'm sure they will log it for fixing. If its a known (logged) issue then perhaps the fact that it is being discussed here by users will have them reassess its priority in being fixed. I know the Google team work hard at making SketchUp as good as they can - and that they are doing it for us. I also know that they appreciate all the info users can bring in threads like this, helping to resolve those bugs & problems we users are really having.
Regards, Ross
Since this is not the first issue about this "bug" (if it is a bug) and also reported by several users (here and over the GG forums, too), I'll move it to the "Bug reports" forum for the GTeam visits that (maybe) more regularly than this forum.
Hi All,
We have had other problems with Export to 2D i.e. export to TIF using a high resolution. I have reproduced the problem and will investigate. I will also search our database to see if the defect already exists.
Thank you for the report.
Thanks Brad!
I spent just a little time experimenting yesterday with a simple cube, exporting to .tif
Seems if you export using any of the standard camera positions [front/side/ etc.] I could get almost twice the pixel width versus iso view.
Charlie -
I too have this problem since SU6.
Posted on the "official" Google sites, no response.
SU 6.0.1099
Xp, 2g, D920 2.8, 256mg geforce 6200SE -
Most likely this is RAM problem.
If you open Explorer with Details option ON (to be able to see file size) - you can see it. Also Task Manager > Performance window shows this well.
Just export your Su model to any bitmap format - let's say jpeg - and watch Explorer and Task Manager windows. You'll see (for a few seconds) temporary jpeg file wich size will be about 10 times larger than final one (i.e. it will go up to 300 MB if final one will be about 1-3 MB!!!). Also RAM consumption will jump by 50% or more.I think this is caused by the way SU processes vector data to raster formats.
As possible solution I export in two or three steps.
First one - with edges OFF, texture and shadows ON, AA also ON. Resolution - maximum supported or the one I need.Second export one - Edges ON, the rest is OFF, AA also OFF. Resolution is usually twice of First export.
Optional third export - I render only shadows (no textures, no edges and First export without shadows). Resolution is same as First export.
The rest is done in Photoshop - resizing, layers composing etc.
By using this method I achieve two goals - higher resolution output from SU and more control over texture/edges/shadows interaction.
PS. AA - anti-aliasing. Photoshop is much better in this then SU.
And the Save Failed feature "works" for me since SU 4(teapot_ae)
I, and most of the people here I think, understand that there are work-arounds, different ways of doing things, etc.
But, if the option is there, than it should work.I don't think that it is a RAM issue. I have 3gigs of RAM and run into the problem. As a test, I took the same model that wouldn't work on my machine, tried a fellow workers machine which is less powerful and has less RAM, and it exported fine (took awhile which is ok with me). If it is a bug than Google needs to address it, and it seems that they are. Also, if it is a ram issue, than why does it fail with a simple cube model?
Here are some recent observations:
W/A.A. Off
On 2d Export to .tif ....styles....background....NO sky....NO ground.
5800 px - OK
6800 px - OK
7800 px - OK
8400 px - OK
8800 px - FAILOn 2d Export to .tif ground.
5800 px - OK
6800 px - OK
7800 px - OK
8400 px - OK
8800 px - FAILOn 2d Export to .tif
2000 px - OK
2100 px - OK
2150 px - FAIL
2200 px - FAIL
5800 px - FAIL
7800 px - FAIL
8400 px - FAIL
8800 px - FAILGoogle Boyz/Girlz...........hope this helps,
Charlie -
I wonder if networking is part of the problem. At work I have difficulties exporting JPG:s of any size, with or without antialiasing. The files are unusable if exported to a network drive, but files exported to the desktop are OK. Other apps I use, including older versions of SU, do not have the problem.
Out of curiosity,has anyone tried....or willing to try to replicate the results I have posted above? Anyone....Anyone.....
Also,& In a way I am a bit surpised the google folks haven't chimed in about this.
Seems the absense of background/sky greatly improves the exporting result,possibly giving a clue to the 'failed to save",