[Plugin] LordOfTheToolbars - v2.9c - 20 Dec 24
Hi. The plugin asks to update, but the version is up to date. What to do?
when will the final version be released
i can't use it now -
when will the last version be out I can't use now i need urgent support
NEW RELEASE: LordOfTheToolbars v2.3a - 31 Oct 22
- LibFredo6: v13.4a or above
- Sketchup version: SU2017 and above
LordOfTheToolbars 2.3a includes
- Bug fixing
- Extension of validity
DO NOT FORGET TO UPGRADE TO LibFredo6 v13.4a or above
Home Page of LordOfTheToolbars for information and Download.
Dear Fredo,
First of all many thanks for everything you are doing, I rely on your software and innovation more than on what the entire Trimble company does. For this exact reason I was wondering if there was the possibility to just buy LOTT as you made possible for other extensions of yours.
These continuous updates are a problem because every time you make a change I have to update all the machines straight away otherwise nothing works (this time, by the way, the plugin dos not seem to load every time). I would much rather pay to update the plugin when I am ready to do so.
@debbio said:
Dear Fredo,
First of all many thanks fro everything you are doing, I rely on your software and innovation more than on what the entire Trimble company does. For this exact reason I was wondering if there was the possibility to just buy LOTT as you made possible for other extensions of yours.
These continuous updates are a problem because every time you make a change I have to update all the machines straight away otherwise nothing works (this time, by the way, the plugin dos not seem to load every time). I would much rather pay to update the plugin when I am ready to do so.
I am not sure I understand. Paying for the plugin will not change the question of plugin updates (and potential bugs)...
Hello Fredo
I have noticed that regularly my LOTT toolbars don't appear when loading SU.
It seems it's related to updates.
While I understand that you update your plugins on a regular basis, it's very annoying that essential tools get stuck each time you make an update.
I need to have a guess and try Extension Manager updates (nope), a Sketchucation tools update (nope), a manual reinstall of the LOTT plugin (overwriting) via sketchucation tools (YES)...
At least you could give us a hint when the LOTT toolbars don't appear anymore.
When I don't have a wifi connexion it's a nightmare, I need to open all my plugins toolabr again to have access to the tools I use on a daily basis (and clutter my UI as in the past).Thanks for the cool essential addon!
YES optimaforever! That is exactly the problem I was talking about and your solution seems to have been working, so far at least.
I really hope Fredo that we don't come of as entitled, obviously you are giving us all these great tools (most of the times for free!) and we are off course not in a position to demand anything.
The problem, as optimaforever hinted, is that we, or at least I, rely so much on all your plugins that when they don't work is a huge issue, and that's why I immediately bought all your plugins the minute that I could, donated to you a little bit for all the others, and we are still FAR from even.
For that reason, I was just wondering if you are planning to make a paid version even just for the privilege of not having the plugins (especially LoTT!) disappear all of a sudden every once in a while.
Thanks a lot again.
@optimaforever said:
I have noticed that regularly my LOTT toolbars don't appear when loading SU.
It seems it's related to updates.Are you still using SketchUp 2017 Pro as indicated in your profile?
Was SketchUp installed correctly? That requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and selecting Run as administrator. If not, there would be issues with folder permissions that could prevent extensions from installing/updating correctly.
I've never had any issues with any of Fredo6's extensions updating and loading correctly. I made sure to install SketchUp correctly on my machines.
@dave r said:
@optimaforever said:
I have noticed that regularly my LOTT toolbars don't appear when loading SU.
It seems it's related to updates.Are you still using SketchUp 2017 Pro as indicated in your profile?
Was SketchUp installed correctly? That requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and selecting Run as administrator. If not, there would be issues with folder permissions that could prevent extensions from installing/updating correctly.
I've never had any issues with any of Fredo6's extensions updating and loading correctly. I made sure to install SketchUp correctly on my machines.
Thanks Dave.
I've updated my profile (sorry I use SU since v2.1 circa 2001 so this was pretty obvious for me that I use the latest build but you're right, let's update this).
I don't think I installed SU as an admin because my Win11 account is an admin account.
I never had any issues prior to this but since Win11 i have had so many bugs...
So you mean that in your case, plugins updates automatically without asking/notifying you? -
@optimaforever said:
I've updated my profile
Thanks for updating it.
@optimaforever said:
I don't think I installed SU as an admin because my Win11 account is an admin account.
Unfortunately that's not the same as using Run as administrator. I would suggest that you close SketchUp, find the installer or get it from sketchup.com/download/all, right click on it, choose run as administrator, and then, when prompted, choose Repair.
@optimaforever said:
I never had any issues prior to this but since Win11 i have had so many bugs...
Are you running the Developer Preview build of Win11? That has been problematic for many users, not just of SketchUp. I've avoided the Preview build but I recently saw the text of an e-mail sent from Windows to someone who is using that build. The text indicated that 3rd party applications could be compromised and the advise was to avoid using 3rd party software on the Preview build.
@optimaforever said:
So you mean that in your case, plugins updates automatically without asking/notifying you?
No! Not at all. I periodically open the Sketchucation Extension Store UI to see if it indicates there are any extensions that have updates available and then I use the update feature to install them. In fact Fredo6 just released an update to LibFredo6 a little bit ago and I updated it.
NEW RELEASE: LordOfTheToolbars v2.4a - 29 Nov 22
- LibFredo6: v13.6a or above
- Sketchup version: SU2017 and above
LordOfTheToolbars 2.4a includes
- Bug fixing about the selection context menu
DO NOT FORGET TO UPGRADE TO LibFredo6 v13.6a or above
Home Page of LordOfTheToolbars for information and Download.
Hi Fredo,
this is a perfect tool to organize and combine the toolbar buttons. Thanks.
I have a plugin DL light that comes itself with a dozen tool bars and each toolbar has more than 10 buttons. To not get too many entries in the vignette stripe, I put them all in one palette.
But then it is difficult to distinguish them.
Is there a possibility to add a text separator in a palette?
Like this I could add a short name (e.g. original toolbar name) at the beginning of each line of buttons in the palette.
Or instead putting an empty line between two rows of buttons, have some text.
Kind Regards Uwe -
You can put line breaks and separators, but not a text. You can also enlarge the size of the palette to make the icons more distinguishable.
You could also create custom commands with a specific icon (doing nothing special by themselves) and use them at the beginning of a line break to indicate the family of icons of the DL Light toolbars.
Last possibility: ask the author of DL Light to make icons more distinguishable at reasonable pixel size.
Ok, clear: Palettes may only contain buttons with icons by design.
What I like, is that if a plugin is deactivated/disabled in EM, that then the Icons in the palettes are still visible.
Therefor I wonder, if it would be possible, that in case a Plugin is disabled, you would add an option in the context menu of the button in the palette that allows me to activate the related plugin (either temporary or permanent).
Like this I could deactivate most plugins and activate them only when needed - right from the LOTT palette with a single click.While playing around, I figured, that when activating any Fredo Plugin in the EM, I get an error:
If a plugin is deactivated in the Plugin Manager, it may require a restart of Sketchup to be loaded. This is the case of some of my plugins, because of menus and dependencies with LibFredo6 (hence the message).
However, there is no hurt in loading plugins, whether used or not. My plugins just loads the minimum to appear in menu and toolbars. The rest of the code is loaded on the fly at first utilisation.
These messages are not really user friendly, but also not a killer.
Using LOTT, it means for me, I do not need additional toolbars in Sketchup. Only LOTT palettes.
As the plugin buttons are already „registered“ in the palettes, I do not need the sketchup toolbars to be loaded, when enabling a plugin.
LOTT should just enable the greyed out button in the palette as soon as a plugin gets enabled.For example, when enabling the plugin „Eneroth Reference manager“, the Sketchup toolbar and menu entries get created without restating Sketchup. But the buttons in the palette stay greyed out. This is not nice.
The reason why I do not enable all installed plugins is that Sketchup starts much quicker without.
Thanks to LOTT transition to 2023 took seconds
BTW at last 2023 contains users shortcuts in the search -
Je viens d'essayer sketchup 2023, mais il semble que l'on ne peut avoir accès dans master toolbar manager aux menus, ce qui empêche de créer les icons et les toolbar.Merci
Bonne journée à vous -
@laurent002 said:
Je viens d'essayer sketchup 2023, mais il semble que l'on ne peut avoir accès dans master toolbar manager aux menus, ce qui empêche de créer les icons et les toolbar.
Yes. For the Windows version, I had to remove everything related to Menus, as well as the Clean Screen feature... This is due to the new GUI framework that comes with SU2023.