Light Your Desk
Someone’s got to model the bits and pieces !
Vintage desk lamp from a photo found on the web. A little poly heavy for “background” entourage but should work great for up close and personal use. Raw SU and a quick half cooked render.
Great work Tuna, modelling and rrendering are very very good, but if there was an "ugly lamp competition" that thing would be the highest on the podium
IMHO, looks great mate. Put it this way, I admire simplicity and function with style and this lamp has it all. I would buy one.
Thanks everyone. Sure it’s not everyone’s “cup of tea” but thought it would make for some interesting modeling practice.
Excellent as always.
@tuna1957 said:
Thanks everyone. Sure it’s not everyone’s “cup of tea” but thought it would make for some interesting modeling practice.
Hi Tuna, I get that. It was no opinion on your work at all I hope you realise
Just a subjective opinion of the lamp design. If you get some free time and looking for a project try Richars Sapper's tizio lamp. I think you would do it justice
Interesting lamp. Looks like it is setting on the headrest of a bed. I think the quality of the Render is excellent.
Thanks everyone. Let me add that all comments are greatly appreciated
Lovely little lamp and nice render too.
Thanks loco .