How to cut a hole in a curviloft surface???
Hey guys. I am very very new to sketchup coming from solidworks. I am struggling on a next level trying to model tents in this software but the job requires it. In any case i have used the curviloft plugin to make the tent body but I need to be able to cut a hole in it for the door. I have attached a picture of what I am trying to do. I've tried using the push pull and joining the edges and deleting away the unnecessary parts as well as use the subtract tool. It would seem like the problem lies in the curviloft feature is a face and a solid so I cant cut it. If anyone can help out with this it would be much appreacted.
It's hard to tell exactly what you have at this stage but Curviloft creates a group to contain the surface geometry. It doesn't look like your surface group could be a solid so Intersect Faces is probably the better option here. The shape of your opening needs to have a face so it can be extruded through the surface of your tent. Then open the tent group for editing, right click on the surface and choose Intersect Faces>With Model. After the intersection is complete you should be able to select and delete the face where the opening should be. Might help to exit group edit mode and hide or delete the extruded shape.
If you were to share the .skp file with us it would be easier to give exact guidance.
Isolate TARGET geometry in group/component...
Edit group/component and select all geometry and Intersect with Model...
Delete CUTTER and see result...