[Plugin] FredoTools - v4.5c - 24 Jun 24
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.0b - 06 Dec 20
Requirement: LibFredo6 v10.4b or above
FredoTools 4.0b is a minor release for ReportLabelArea, offering an option for automatic refresh of the reports.
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.
@einstein said:
Still, I think this could be an option. Not a default one, but an available setting. I personally use this tool for low number of faces and with fast computer. Auto-recalculation would not be counterproductive for me. But it's just a suggestion
Here it is....
The option is in the Default Parameters.
I just downloaded Fredotools-v4.ob-06Dec20 to be used with Sketchup Pro 2021. I have the latest Windows 10 PC. I open the Fredotools download and I get this message. "This does not appear to be a Sketch model." I get the message with Sketchup 2021 open and unopened. DOES Fredotools-v4.ob WORK IN 2021 SKETCHUP?
@kenteichmann said:
I open the Fredotools download and I get this message. "This does not appear to be a Sketch model." I get the message with Sketchup 2021 open and unopened. DOES Fredotools-v4.ob WORK IN 2021 SKETCHUP?
You don't open extensions in SketchUp with File>Open. Instead, go to the Window menu, click on Extension Manager and then the Install Extension button. Navigate to where you saved the extension file, select it, and choose Open. Also make sure you download and install the LibFredo6 file as well.
Better would be to go to Resources at the top of this page and download the Sketchucation Plugin Store tool. Install that as above and then use it to search for and install Fredo6's extensions and others. If you do that the installation is automatically done correctly and you'll be able to see when there are updates to extensions.
And yes, Fredotools works just fine in SketchUp 2021.
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.1a - 24 Apr 21
Requirement: LibFredo6 v10.4b or above
FredoTools 4.1a is a technical release for performance of selection contextual menu.
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.
I love FredoTools, especially Thru Paint. I have come across an issue that may be know or not. I didn't feel like going through 14 pages to see.
I noticed that when using TP, if you shift to pan the tool changes to the picker tool not the paint tool. If I shift pan again it goes back to the paint tool. Is this something that can be fixed?
SU pro 2020
FredoTools 4.1a
LibFredo6 11.8a -
Thanks for catching this problem. Definitely a bug which needs to be fixed.
Hi. The "Solid volume" is very useful in my job, thanks a lot! A great add to it would be a mass calculator. Just an input for material density and the solid mass would be seen; or a even better if a tiny sheet to save some own densities. I have not found any plugins for easy mass reporting. Cheers!
@oheimala said:
Hi. The "Solid volume" is very useful in my job, thanks a lot! A great add to it would be a mass calculator. Just an input for material density and the solid mass would be seen; or a even better if a tiny sheet to save some own densities. I have not found any plugins for easy mass reporting. Cheers!
"SUSolid.com" plugin works great for weights. You can input any materials you like.
hello fredo we are a smal company and ve use fredo tools in our job,
thank u for this amazing addon,
we want an extra feature in fredo tool for that we try to contact with you.
pls contact with us. -
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.1b - 10 Jul 21
Requirement: LibFredo6 v10.4b or above
FredoTools 4.1b fixes major bugs in ColorByAltitude (min-max boundaries, wrong coloring on Mac)
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.
what I mean is we want to export the information of the model drawn in sketchup as .peb,
Is this possible or should a new plugin be written?
We have the necessary protocol information and details.
We hope you can help us with this situation, if a new plugin needs to be written we would like to hire you or if you have any other way of working and plans we would like to hear from you. -
@ct103stu0 said:
Installed newest LibFredo6, then FredoTools v4.1b and to this error:
I uploaded again the rbz file on the Sketchucation store. Can you try.
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.1c - 13 Jul 21
Requirement: LibFredo6 v10.4b or above
FredoTools 4.1c fixes major bugs in ColorByAltitude (min-max boundaries, wrong coloring on Mac). It is a republishing of v4.1b
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.
V4.1C worked as advertised, thanks for all your great extensions.
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.1d - 13 Sep 21
Requirement: LibFredo6 v10.4b or above
FredoTools 4.1d fixes a bug in MoveAlong, whereby the autosmooth option was always active
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.2a - 17 Sep 21
Requirement: LibFredo6 v12.0a or above
FredoTools 4.2a fixes a bug in MoveAlong, whereby the autosmooth option was smoothing all edges
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.
NEW RELEASE: FredoTools v4.3a - 06 Mar 22
Requirement: LibFredo6 v12.5a or above
FredoTools 4.3a is for compatibility with a future plugin
See FredoTools plugin home page for Download.
See also main post of this thread for User Discussion.