Text in Arabic?
Hi is it possible to create written text in Arabic or farsi in sketchup ?
If the font used has a broad range of characters [like Arial] then standard Text-Labels can be done in Arabic etc.
I'd write the text in a text editor that supports the language, then copy+paste it into your text object in SketchUp.
The character order and writing direction are kept.Unfortunately the equivalent in 3d-Text will do the same [with a suitable font], BUT sadly it reverses the writing direction from right>left to left>right, AND keeps the letter order so everything gets jumbled and messed up !
If it were a short word, then reordering the letters manually could work, but it's a pain.السلام عليكم
Nice workaround:
write arabic in photoshop and games
Online tools to write arabic in photoshop أكتب عربي على الفوتوشوب الغير معرب مجاناً, arabic in pubg, arabic in counter strike, arabic free fire, arabic in fortnite, arabic call of duty , arabic in CapCut, arabic uin illustrator
Sadly I can't use Layout because of this imperfection
You could write it down in Illustrator or similar vector software, export it to DXF and import it in SU.
Hi guys I have a copy of the floor generator Sam D mitch but it doesn't work properly in sketchup.when i start using the plugin the attached txt file shows up instead of the main panel of the floor generator plugin. Ain't any one there could help and I can share my copy of the floor generator plugin with everyone. This is what shows up instead of the main panel of the floor generator plugin. I would be grateful if someone could help. Thanks.
<html><body style='background-color:powderblue' ><form style='font-family:Arial;font-size:70%;color:black' > <fieldset>
<legend style='font-size:125%;color:red'><b> Pattern </b></legend>
<select onChange='patternchanged(value)'>
<option value='Brick' >Brick</option>
<option value='Tile' selected>Tile</option>
<option value='Wood' >Wood</option>
<option value='Tweed' >Tweed</option>
<option value='Hbone' >Herringbone</option>
<option value='BsktWv' >Basket Weave</option>
<option value='HpScth1' >Hopscotch1</option>
<option value='HpScth2' >HopScotch2</option>
<option value='HpScth3' >HopScotch3</option>
<option value='HpScth4' >HopScotch4</option>
<option value='IrPoly' >Irregular Polygons</option>
<option value='Hexgon' >Hexagons</option>
<option value='Octgon' >Octagons</option>
<option value='Wedge' >Wedges</option>
<option value='I_Block' >I_Block</option>
<option value='Diamonds' >Diamonds</option>
<option value='Clapbrd' >Clapboard</option>
<option value='Reset'>Reset</option>
<!-- Pattern Icons --><img src='C:/Users/NADER PEZESHKAN/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2017/SketchUp/Plugins/FG_Icons/Tile.jpg' align='top'/> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend style='font-size:125%;color:red'><b> Size </b></legend> <table style='font-size:100%'> <tr><td align='right' width=54>Length:</td> <td><input type='text' name='BTL' value='300.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)' /></td> <tr><td align='right'>Width:</td> <td><input type='text' name='BTW' value='300.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)' /></td> <tr><td align='right' width=54>Gap Width:</td><td> <input type='text' name='BGW' value='6.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)' /></td></tr> <tr><td align='right' width=54>Gap Depth:</td><td> <input type='text' name='BGD' value='3.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)' /></td><td> <input type='checkbox' name='FWT' value='Yes' checked onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'>Fixed </td></tr> <tr><td align='right' width=54>% Offset:</td> <td><input type='text' name='R2R' value='0.0' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)' /></td></tr> </table> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend style='font-size:125%;color:red'><b> Options </b></legend> <select name='ORG' style='width:90px' onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'> <option value='Corner' selected>Corner</option> <option value='Center' >Center</option> </select> : Grid Origin<br> <select name='ROT' style='width:90px' onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'> <option value='0' selected>0</option> <option value='45' >45</option> <option value='90' >90</option> </select> : Grid Rotation<br> <select name='MAT' style='width:90px' onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'> <option value='Current' selected>Current</option> <option value='Rand_Clr' >Rand_Clr</option> <option value='Rand_Tex' >Rand_Tex</option><br> </select> : Material<!--   <button id='RTS' onclick='ChangeSource(id)'>Source</button>--><br><hr> <input type='text' name='RDS' value='0' size=2 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'/> : Random Seed<br><hr> <input type='text' name='TSZ' value='0.0mm' size=5 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'/> : Texture Size (w,h)<br> <input type='checkbox' name='ATE' value='Yes' onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'>Align Texture to Longest Edge<br> <input type='checkbox' name='WIG' value='Yes' onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'>Random Position Texture </input> <!-- Inc: <input type='text' name ='RTI' value='1.0mm' size=3 onchange='optionchanged(name,value)'/> --><br> <select name='WAG' style='width:60px' onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'> <option value='No' selected>No</option> <option value='30' >30</option> <option value='45' >45</option> <option value='90' >90</option> <option value='180' >180</option> <option value='Rand' >Rand</option> </select> : Random Rotation<br> <hr> <input type='checkbox' name='WOB' value='Yes' onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'/>Random Imperfections<br> <!-- Min:<input type='text' name='RIn' value='0.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'/> Max:<input type='text' name='RIx' value='3.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'/> <br> --> <input type='checkbox' name='BVL' value='Yes' onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'/>Add Bevel to Tile<br> <!-- Size:<input type='text' name='BVS' value='6.0mm' size=4 onChange='optionchanged(name,value)'/><br> --> <input type='checkbox' name='CBF' value='Yes' onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'/>Create Behind Face<br> <input type='checkbox' name='CIG' value='Yes' onClick='optionchanged(name,value)'/>Create Individual Groups<br> </fieldset> </form>
</body></html> <script type='text/javascript'>
function patternchanged(value)
function optionchanged(name,value)
function ChangeSource()