Bauhaus Lamp
Thank you Loco and Alvis!
@hornoxx said:
ja, nice! but, after all it is a lamp, also a perfect lighting
(how did you do that?)
See my reply to pbacot
Some more fun with materials too!
Excellent work but that last picture, wow!
Thank you. that's looks like a cool technique. I like your other materials a lot too!
A beautiful pair of Wassily Chairs to accompany the lamp...
A bit too washed out if I'm honest mate, some more contrast would lift it a lot.
Very nice
@mike amos said:
A bit too washed out if I'm honest mate, some more contrast would lift it a lot.
You're right! I had the burn set way too high and it was washing out all the white tones. Hopefully this one looks a bit better!
Photos should not be allowed! It is supposed to be renders!! LOL
Very nice aviz770