[Plugin] FredoTools::DivideEdges
DivideEdges is a small standalone plugin to divide and/or mark edges and curves. This is similar to the native Sketchup Divide feature, but available as a full Tool. The Marking of division points is done with Guide Points. For curves, you have the choice between dividing the individual edges of the curve (keeping the curve), or split the curve in equal-length portions.
No User manual currently.
- Sketchup versions: 6 and above (Free and Pro)
- Language: English, French
- Menus: by default, it is installed in Tools > FredoTools > DivideEdges
- Icon toolbar: Fredo6 Tools - Optional icon, not shown by default
DivideEdges is installed as part of FredoTools.
See the plugin home page of FredoTools for Installation
In Interactive Mode (DivideEdges launched without a pre-selection)
- Set the number of division segments in the VCB
- Toggle CTRL to enable / disable Marking
- Toggle SHIFT to enable / disable Division
- Toggle ALT to enable / disable Curve Mode
- Click on Edges / Curves to perform the Division and/or Marking
- You can also click down on an Edge / Curve, then drag to select other Edges / Curves and then release the mouse button to execute the division.
- At any time, you can change the number of segments, as well as the Divide and Mark modes
- Double click in the empty space to exit
In Pre-Selection Mode (DivideEdges launched with a pre-selection of edges / curves)
A dialog box will appear, where you can specify the Division number as well as the different modes. You can also right-click on an edge or curve and select DivideEdges in the Selection contextual menu.
By defaults, DivideEdges exits after execution.Default Parameters
There are 2 options, as shown below:
Divide Edges 1.0a – 09 Jul 17: Initial Release
Excellent for a studious summer!
Will be fine with the Extrude line(s) (last icon) Projections of Didier Bur! -
What a coincidence I searched for a plugin like this last week!
Also as I was watching the video, I was thinking that the plugin could have an extra feature but then that feature poped up in the video. This happened 3 times.
Perfect! Congratulations!
Thanks for the thanks.
Actually, I was just packaging something I had built for my own usage. At that time, I was wondering why this was not a standard tool in Sketchup.
very solid tool, as usual.
many thanks for your efforts. - topic:timeago-later,3 years
Y a-t-il un moyen de diviser un "chemin" continu, composé de segments et d'arcs de cercle ? Application : Pour dessiner un escalier, on peut commencer par tracer la ligne de foulée (ligne imaginaire sue laquelle on marche, en général au milieu de l'escalier) composée de segments pour les volées droites et d'arcs pour les parties tournantes. L'ensemble de cette ligne de foulée est ensuite à diviser par le nombre de marches afin de pouvoir les tracer. L'outil de division est capable de diviser un polygone, une courbe, mais je ne trouve pas le moyen de faire considerer à sketchup qu'une telle ligne de foulée est une et une seule courbe afin de lui appliquer une division.Merci
T TIG referenced this topic on 17 May 2024, 14:57