[Plugin] 2D Tools
Hello. Fantastic plugin.
Is it possible to make a sketchup arc into a dashed line? i am having no luck with arcs, but lines look perfect. Any help appreciated.
Bob -
If you make an Arc and experiment with its number of Segments [either at its creation or afterwards using Entity Info], then the 2dLineStyle tool can 'overlay' a dotted/dashed representation...
Do some experimenting...
Yes! I ended up changing the segments and getting the results i needed. Thanks!
Bob -
Hello. I'm having trouble getting the 2d Tools file installed into Sketchup. I used to use Windows 7 and Sketchup 2008, and had no trouble. But now, I've upgraded to Windows 10 and Sketchup 2016. I downloaded both the 2d Tools file and the SketchUcation installation files, which now reside in my "Downloads" folder. From this point, I don't have a clue on what to do next. Can someone help me step by step to get this file working? I love these tools and used them for years, but now I've upgraded and don't understand how to actually install them. Thanks for any help.
To install any downloaded RBZ file manually is a very similar process to that in older SketchUp versions...***
Use the SketchUp menu item - Window > Extension Manager > Install Extension... [red-button bottom-right corner]
Find the downloaded RBZ file in the file-browser that opens, then answer in the affirmative to any prompts.
The RBZ is installed.
For complex extensions it's always advisable to restart SketchUp to ensure everything gets synced properly...***Note that in the older SketchUp versions [>=v8M2] the 'installer button' is in the Preferences > Extensions dialog - but in the newer SketchUp version 'Extensions' get their own dedicated dialog.
It won't down load because I don't have an app installed to download it. I see it says it needs debabeliser which is meant to automatically install, but that is obviously not happening. Ill try to download that first.
@kloggs said:
It won't down load because I don't have an app installed to download it. I see it says it needs debabeliser which is meant to automatically install, but that is obviously not happening. Ill try to download that first.
I just don't understand what you have said...
If you download any extension's RBZ file from the PluginStore, then your web-browser should automatically download it and put it into your Downloads folder - as a single RBZ file.It is possible to break an RBZ - e.g. if you have your browser set up oddly - e.g. to extract contents of a compressed file, instead of simply downloading them; or you manually open the RBZ with a compression tool and mess around with its contents.
None of this is needed.
Note how an RBZ is actually a ZIP file with a different file-type suffix.First off check that your web-browser is NOT recognizing the RBZ as a ZIP file and extracting it somewhere.
Check its settings...
The fact you say it seems to be missing deBableizer suggests the RBZ is somehow being 'extracted' wrongly.
Note that deBableizer is a helper script and it ships inside this toolset's RBZ.
You do NOT need to get t separately, if everything is set up properly.Assuming you do manage to get the RBZ downloaded into your Downloads folder [i.e. it stays in one piece], then afterwards you simply get SketchUp itself to extract the RBZ's contents and put them into the correct locations for you...
[Using its built-in Extension Manager > "Install Extension..." red-button - as I have explained in earlier posts... -
@kloggs said:
It won't down load because I don't have an app installed to download it. I see it says it needs debabeliser which is meant to automatically install, but that is obviously not happening. Ill try to download that first.
After you download the file to your computer you should have 2Dtools_v7.6.rbz in your Downloads folder. In SketchUp, go to window>Extension Manager and click on the Install Extension button. Then navigate to the Downloads folder, select 2Dtools_v7.6.rbz and click Open. Then click Yes.
As for deBabelizer, that will be installed automatically as TIG indicated.
@unknownuser said:
Dependencies: deBabelizer.rb [auto-installed with this plugin]
2d tool fillet works only with "zerO" value for radious. when I enter any digits to make round corner the value disappear and the fillet command ends with sharp corner. Any tips how to fix it?
How are you inputting these fillet-radius values ?
Activate the tool and type in the fillet's radius...
Then pick the two edges to be filleted...Do NOT click in the measurements-box.
Just type in the required value "in space" [using your locale's decimal-separator - . or ,]
Read the status-bar prompts...
It works fine for me...
Hi Tig
Thank you for this amazing plugin. When I press the download button I only get the .rbz installer, I dont seem to get a zip file. Am I missing something here? The issue is that I can't access the hatch files? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you so much for an awesome plugin!
@seanspace said:
When I press the download button I only get the .rbz installer, I dont seem to get a zip file. Am I missing something here? The issue is that I can't access the hatch files? Any advice would be appreciated.
You're only supposed to get the rbz file. If you are downloading that directly to your computer, go to SketchUp>Window>Extension Manager and click on Install Extension (red button). Navigate to the downloaded RBZ file, select it, click Open...
You could install the Sketchucation Extension Store (from the link at the top of the page) and let it automatically install extensions like this one for you. It'll help you keep extensions you've installed with it up to date and provide you with a bundle of extensions from SCF to install automatically when you move to a new computer or upgrade to a new version of SketchUp.
There are no ZIP folders to download - an RBZ is a special ZIP folder used by SketchUp to contain all of an Extensions necessary files needed, and it is installed using the Extension Manager as Dave has explained...
Once the RBZ is installed the hatch image-files are located in subfolders in the 2Dtools subfolder, which is installed into your Plugins folder.
There are two subfolders - Hatching & HatchingExtra.By default the 2Dhatching tool opens a file-browser dialog, starting the first subfolder and you can then choose one of those images to use as your hatch pattern [there are 49 JPG images and an explanatory ReadMe.txt file]: alternatively you can navigate up one level, then back down, into the second subfolder to access those extra hatches [there are 41 JPG images]...
Is there any way to get public Api of 2d Tool? I want to use it for adding 2d text vie scriptThanks,
Svetlana -
There is no API.
It is 'all rights reserved'.
However you can read the individual RB files in the 2Dtools subfolder to see how they work and 'borrow' parts of their code for use in your own RB file...
If you simply want to 'call' the 2dTextTool from your own script look at the 2D#loader.rb file to see what it loads...
Around line #119 it creates the command for "2D Text". It uses the command:
Sketchup.active_model.select_tool TextTool2D.new
Which will fail when replicated outside of the main module !
You need to use something like:
If you want to use just a part of what it does you'll need to delve into the actual 2DtextTool.rb in the subfolder... there you can see how the user can input values in the dialog, make the component to suit and place it...
Thank you!
Hi TIG, i tried using the plugin (sketchup 2017), but I couldn't find any way to change the scale of the line style (only the width). I try making a custom one (which would solve my problem), but the dialog box to make the custom styles doesn't show up when I select it.
You can change the styled-line's width, but you must make a new style for you self - e.g. you want the dashes to be longer and more gaps...
@tig said:
You can change the styled-line's width, but you must make a new style for you self - e.g. you want the dashes to be longer and more gaps...
Thanks... sometimes the dialog for the Custom Style doesn't come up.
You need to right-click in open space - if there's something below the cursor the dialog won't open, as the context-menu takes preference.
I just tested it in the latest version of 2020 and I see the issue !
Earlier versions should be OK...
Because the latest update adds the ability to invert a selection and make an empty group/component that 'steals' the focus for the custom dialog.
I'll look at circumventing it...