SU 2019.2 released
So Trimble released SketchUp 2019.2 yesterday. Download link here. This will be the second maintenance release since SU 2019 was released, was it in February 2019? Much better going than the SU 2018 cycle guys, thanks!
I've had a look at the release information (by Trimble/SketchUp) as well as MasterSketchup's video overview. Even though these aren't really what I would have liked to see addressed it does seem to show some effort / investment on the Trimble / SketchUp team's end, for which I am thankful.
Exactly how the C++ integration removal from the SketchUp API effects the program and extensions remains to be seen at this early stage. If it helps to speed things up, great. If it really has no performance benefits then I hope the extension developers that leveraged this, and we know there are some, will be able to adapt and recompile soonest to ensure their extensions are compatible again.
What are your thoughts here? Drop me a line below, I like to have that SketchUp conversation with you (here's to you Justin, I couldn't help myself after watching so many of your videos over the years).
I am working on 19.2 support, but it will take some time. I hope to get a bit shorter export times with the new SU SDK.
incompatible extensions currently known:
• Thea Render
• Podium Renderer (update available )SketchUp Help Center: SU 2019.M1 Installers
And so it begins for classic license holders...
"Large Area Imports for Add Location. Lucky news for you subscription holders! This new feature is only available for SketchUp Pro and Studio subscribers."
Here's the AutoDesk/ Adobe playbook if you forgot. We're now on step 6.
@derek edison said:
- Decide to push your customer base to a subscription model to increase and guarantee revenue.
- Bundle your "flagship" product with other low selling or low cost apps/ services to increase perceived value.
- Price your new subscription offering at half the perpetual license cost to offer easy entry but higher returning revenues past 3-4 years ownership vs. perpetual licensing.
- Convert software development to a rolling release model. No need for major updates unless there is a disruptive competitor in the market.
- Market your perpetual license customers to get them to switch over to subscription with "special one-time" offers to convert.
- Make owning perpetual licenses progressively more expensive/difficult and keep any substantial new features as subscription only. Do not reveal any future plans for perpetual licenses. Rely on FUD to move them over.
- After about two years or so cancel perpetual licenses to force the remaining hold-outs to subscription. Grandfather special subscription rates on on former perpetual licenses and then increase costs until there is no difference anymore.
@juju said:
So Trimble released SketchUp 2019.2[/url] yesterday....What are your thoughts here?.
Not much to talk about R2 for me.
- A few icons were added to the large tool set that I really don't want there. Its not like I will be pressing those functions 20 times a day so why put them on that toolbar?!? They were fine just in the menus. Or at least make it a custom toolbar you can get rid of.
- Also, the code of the large tool set was 'changed' for adding these icons but... you still can't add two custom icons yourself next to each other on that large toolset or you will get 3 columns (2 icons with a large space in between).
- New isometric dimensions were added to layout. Fine for those who use them but.. I prefer to add all my dimensions in SketchUp and - depending on the position of a scene on the LayOut sheet - the dimensions are still cut / split / partly invisible.
I can go on but...maybe in R3
@derek edison said:
And so it begins for classic license holders...
"Lucky news for you subscription holders! This new feature is only available for SketchUp Pro and Studio subscribers."I missed that one.
double post
I have added a comment here:
@kaas said:
- A few icons were added to the large tool set that I really don't want there. Its not like I will be pressing those functions 20 times a day so why put them on that toolbar?!? They were fine just in the menus. Or at least make it a custom toolbar you can get rid of.
If you don't want them just drag them off. If you want them back reset the toolbar.
@box said:
If you don't want them just drag them off. If you want them back reset the toolbar.
How you do that? I can drag off custom icons but the native icons on the large tool set are fixed. -
@box said:
Works fine for me
I didn't know I had to open the toolbars menu to be able to remove the icons. Thanks a lot Box.
You have to do that whenever you make custom toolbars with the native tools.
@kaas said:
...I didn't know I had to open the toolbars menu to be able to remove the icons. Thanks a lot Box.
... Yes, Thanks a lot Box! I also didn't know how to do that so far- Box, could you please do me the favor to show me/us how to edit a new own toolbar or can I change already existing toolbars this way only?
Getting a bit off topic, but you just use the new button and make a new toolbar, then use ctrl with drag to drag tools to it from any other native toolbar.
If you search Custom Toolbar on my facebook page you'll find a gif for it.
Here's one I did 5 years back. -
Is the add location data any better, or is it just more of the lower quality material that you can download? Haven't been using it.
The drag and drop import--at last! (I never understood the purpose of that import dialog in the first place).
Isometric dimensions in LO. Now to add isometrics to my documents! (Probably not.)
Someone uses the large toolset?
Some nice progress, I think--for midterm add-ons, though I wonder what developers make of it. Probably won't upgrade until it's clear it won't mess up things.
This is my question as well (I'm on a classic license, so I couldn't test).
If it's higher quality location data that's coming from a different provider, it might have a cost associated with it for access to the data, which might be why it's subscription user only...
I'm sure someone on subscription will be able to test it and let us know
@pbacot said:
Is the add location data any better, or is it just more of the lower quality material that you can download? Haven't been using it.
The drag and drop import--at last! (I never understood the purpose of that import dialog in the first place).
Isometric dimensions in LO. Now to add isometrics to my documents! (Probably not.)
Someone uses the large toolset?
Some nice progress, I think--for midterm add-ons, though I wonder what developers make of it. Probably won't upgrade until it's clear it won't mess up things.
Yep - licensing costs are why that's a subscription only feature
Announcing new features to SketchUp 2019 and LayOut!
We are thrilled to announce our second desktop product update since releasing SketchUp 2019! We’ve been listening, and are happy to deliver a new set of features and improvements based on our users’ needs. With your feed…
SketchUp Community (
@pixero said:
I have added a comment here:
Hmmm, have they removed my comment or what?
Now it says theres 1 comment and that is not mine.
I can still see it under my profile but not in the blog post discussion.
Could anyone confirm if they can see my comment or not? -
@pixero said:
This is what my post was like:
I really don't like the way you are trying to force us to subscribe.Totally concur.