[Plugin] QuadFaceTools
@goodwin_2203 said:
SketchUp 2018
kindly consider updating your profile (refer to version 2016 there) whenever changing SketchUp version
Could we hope for a French version of QuadFaceTools?
There is one person who knows how to do that!I thank her in advance if she does it.
Pourrait-on espérer une version française de QuadFaceTools?
Il y a bien une personne qui sait faire cela !Je la remercie par avance si elle s'y adonne.
Je ne crois pas que cela soit prévu pour recevoir l'intégration de langages mais...
Il y a déjà la version en français du mode d'emploi!
@zooen said:
Could we hope for a French version of QuadFaceTools?
There is one person who knows how to do that!I thank her in advance if she does it.
Pourrait-on espérer une version française de QuadFaceTools?
Il y a bien une personne qui sait faire cela !Je la remercie par avance si elle s'y adonne.
I translated the plugin to Spanish language manually, you have to edit some strings in the files with a text editor ( I use BBEdit on Mac), I don't know if Thomas will give support to translations in near future.
Thank you Oxer for your answer. I edited the file "core.rb" and translated with Notepade ++ for windows. I used google translation to translate so I will have to rework the texts in French.
Hey there genious, im just wondering if u know why i cant get a "floating" menu i tried all i know and i can only use quad Tools from the main menu "Tools"
Recently I discovered Connect tool to be very useful. However, if I set number of Segments to 1 and "Pinch" to any value, position of connecting segment doesn't change - it sticks to the middle, regardless. I thought about a little improvement for this plugin so that Pinch would also apply to single connecting segment, altering its position along edges. This would help a looot! And push SketchUp more towards poly-modelling which I personally miss soo much.An illustration of the case:
What about kind of "collapse edge" feature? There's a nice sub-tool "remove loops" but as stated, is removes entire loop (screenshot on the left, original quad-mesh on the right). The mesh in the middle shows how I imagine "collapse edge" would work. Only the selected edges are removed and ends are connected to surrouding quad corners.
When using "Remove Triangulation" on the below selected quads, then the triangulating edges are removed not only from planar quads, but also from non-planar quads.
Selected Quads:
After executing the "Remove Triangulation" command - it looks like a Swiss cheese
Is there are way to avoid this?
@uwesketch said:
When using "Remove Triangulation" on the below selected quads, then the triangulating edges are removed not only from planar quads, but also from non-planar quads.
Selected Quads:
[attachment=1:ylc5a5am]<!-- ia1 -->QudFaceTool_RemoveTriangulation_Before.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:ylc5a5am]After executing the "Remove Triangulation" command - it looks like a Swiss cheese
[attachment=0:ylc5a5am]<!-- ia0 -->QudFaceTool_RemoveTriangulation_After.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:ylc5a5am]
Is there are way to avoid this?
You just want to remove triangulations on planar quads? use Fixit101 script.
Hello Thomthom!
Perhaps has it already been discussed, but I often misclick on the Live mesh analysis button instead of connect edges tool button. Not a big deal, you'll say, but as Livemesh doesn't work with Undo, I usually need several clicks to undo it manually.
I quasi never use Live mesh analysis because I model cleanly most of the time. But I guess some people use it.
Now my question is; is it possible to remove it from the toolbar? or make it unclickable or invisible? Alla Fredo6, make a customizable QFT toolbar? Some functions would still be accessible from the menus... I realize I never use the UV mapping tools, nor build corners/ends. and they eat some real estate on my screen. -
@unknownuser said:
optimaforever wrote:
You just want to remove triangulations on planar quads? use Fixit101 script.Also the "Merge Faces" from "TT cleanup3" does the trick. - which seems the same in FixIt101.
But it would be nice if the function in QFT would work as well. -
@uwesketch said:
@unknownuser said:
optimaforever wrote:
You just want to remove triangulations on planar quads? use Fixit101 script.Also the "Merge Faces" from "TT cleanup3" does the trick. - which seems the same in FixIt101.
But it would be nice if the function in QFT would work as well.I guess QFT remove triangulation’s use is different... If you want to regenerate the missing planes, you could use « make surfaces » script.
I am not looking for a work around. The intent of the post is to report a misbehaviour of the QFT function "Remove Triangulation".
To reproduce the issue I have attached a sketchup file.
The below animated gif shows how to reproduce it.

Example sketchup model to reproduce QFT "Remove Triangulation" issue
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I would appreciate your help since when I install the quadface tools plugin the plugin toolbar does not appear. I have installed it in sketchup 2018 and 2019 -
@tecnomijas said:
Aprende a pronunciar
I would appreciate your help since when I install the quadface tools plugin the plugin toolbar does not appear. I have installed it in sketchup 2018 and 2019Right-click an icon on the toolbar zone and check if the QuadFace Tools is checked on.
Thomas, is there a "drape" a quad mesh on a "target" triangulated mesh (in another group, serving as a reference) along Z axis?
I'm fond of your "Flatten selection" command in Architect Tools, but I'm looking for a tool that basically "drops" all the vertices of a quad group on a target triangulated mesh group, while keeping the first group as quads. -
@optimaforever said:
"drape" a quad mesh on a "target" triangulated mesh (in another group, serving as a reference) along Z axis?
Is something like this what you are after?
Impressive modeling video!
Not exactly what I'm looking for but impressive nonetheless!Let's say I have a simplified 3d mesh from a topographic survey (drawn from isohypse lines and meshed with toposhaper for instance). Very complex and heavy, and full tris so impossible to edit quickly.
Then I have a site in quad topology modeled in 2D from CAD plans with correct projections of roads, buildings rivers, and so on.
Right now, I move manually each vertice of my quad site to fit the correct height of the topographic mesh, beginning by the roads, then outlines of buildings, etc.
Of course, I use separated groups to keep the quads from merging with the tris, and I regularly test if SubD works without generating errors) and save a lot.For complex sites, it takes hours. I enjoy the zen attitude when modeling sites but sometimes I realize that it's very repetitive and boring.
So, what I'd like is a script that 'drapes' the vertices of my quad mesh on the topographic mesh with one click, just like the sandbox's drape tool but that keeps the quads, so I can keep subDing afterwards, and of course further editing because the project always evolves...
Oh I see. +1 one for this tool request! Sort of "conform quad mesh to target mesh" that would be really useful.
maybe there is some workaround using tons of plugins..