SketchUp 2019 Homepage
On the main SketchUp website, thereβs a really nice visual showing people running about a rendered image of a house.
Is this something simple to do? And is this something that can be added natively within SketchUp? Or is this done using another software and superimposed?
Yes i noticed this too. It's a bit missleading advertising.
Of course you need an external renderer for this and the animation is also done in another app. Since there is a "THE BOU/DARY" logo on the plan i would suppose they have done it for Trimble and this would mean Max+Corona i think. -
The rendered imagery is easy enough to do and probably most if not all of you are already doing that. The animation is also possible in SketchUp. Overlaying the animation and a rendered image is simple post-processing. No big deal. Anyone could do it.
I just wish they hadn't used the backface color for the poche.
I'm surprised nobody has asked where the multi pushpull tool is that they must have used in the second gif.
...where is the multi pushpull tool which must have been used in the second gif ??
Box, I haven't seen this page and gifs yet@Dave - this animation there, is it any kind of animated Lumion people maybe?
Dave_R is right. Object animations are feasible in SketchUp, thanks to dynamic components or current plugins from AntonS and Fredo6. Animating people or other creatures in SketchUp is a bit more complicated, especially if it's about going beyond repeating simple movements ...
Lordy, those fast motion people running through the scene are distracting! The wind animated plants are most certainly NOT Sketchup.
I'm rather worried about the (out of his mind) helicopter pilot.
@andybot said:
The wind animated plants are most certainly NOT Sketchup.
They could be. But not geometry, rather 2.5D components (animated with 'physics) with PNG textures.
If it's made by the Boundary it's most certainly animated and rendered in 3dsMax as they model in SketchUp but render in Max (with Corona).
In my opinion,don't take it too seriously.
They are just showing what can be done with the help of Sketchup.
It can't be done within only one package,atleast you need to post each frame in After Effects.
These assests like animated trees and humans are expensive
3dsmax is expensive
but the result looks really cool indeed!!
@box said:
I'm surprised nobody has asked where the multi pushpull tool is that they must have used in the second gif.
You are so dedicated to every tiny detail we missed.