ThruPaint Slow and Rotating tool not working
ThruPaint plugin has been working fine and just suddenly (I've been using it quite a lot) became really slow when applying textures on complex faces and when I try to rotate the texture it freezes out.Basically can no longer use the plugin. Using Sketchup 2017 and everything is with latest updates. What could be a problem? Are there any other free plugins that I could use instead?
Very likely it's related to the graphics drivers. If it was working and just recently stopped, the thing to check is what has changed. SketchUp 2017 hasn't changed and ThruPaint wouldn't have changed without you knowing it. On the other hand, Microsoft frequently pushes updates and often they push Intel graphics drivers that are less than adequate with their OpenGL support which SketchUp relies on heavily.
What graphics card is in your computer? Do you have anything other than an integrated Intel graphics adapter? If you only have the integrated adapter, try rolling the driver back or go to Intel directly, download and install the latest drivers for your graphics adapter model. If you have another graphics card, make sure SketchUp is able to use it and not the integrated graphics. In SketchUp, go to Window>Preferences>OpenGL. look at what SketchUp identifies as the graphics card under Graphics Card Details.
Also, see what happens if Use Fast Feedback is turned off.
Thank you for reply Dave. I have NVidia graphics card and it seems to be up to date and I can see that it is used in Sketchup under OpenGL. Also, Use Fast Feedback had been turned off before the problem started.
Strange things happen
@mergaite said:
Thank you for reply Dave. I have NVidia graphics card and it seems to be up to date and I can see that it is used in Sketchup under OpenGL. Also, Use Fast Feedback had been turned off before the problem started.
Strange things happen
I don't know why it changes 'suddenly'. Do you have other performance issues, like slow move, slow selection?
Could you also test the 'native' texture position tool of Sketchup, (i.e. with the 4 pins), to see if you have a lag.
I notice that your profile indicates that you use Sketchup 2014. I would also suggest you upgrade to SU2017 Make or SU2018 Pro if you can.
Hi Fredo,
Thank you for the great plugins! I use quite a lot of them
and ThruPaint is a life saver since I'm using a lot for interior renderings (applying fabric materials or metals to complex faces).
I don't have any other performance issues and 'native' texture position tool of Sketchup works fine. I am actually using Sketchup 2017. The problem is that it takes around 30min to apply the material on complex faces and when trying to rotate the texture it totally freezes or moves but doesn't do anything.
Maybe I just exhausted it
@mergaite said:
I don't have any other performance issues and 'native' texture position tool of Sketchup works fine. I am actually using Sketchup 2017. The problem is that it takes around 30min to apply the material on complex faces and when trying to rotate the texture it totally freezes or moves but doesn't do anything.
With ThruPaint, do you get bad performances with any texture, like the built-in textures of carpets or brick wall, or just with some of your custom textures?
both, custom and built-in.
I guess this happens with any model? Is that the case
Yes, still persists. With any model any texture. To apply texture is a bit pain but not as bad (just a bit time consuming) the worst is the rotation. If it is applied correctly it's ok but if I have to position it. It totally freezes and it doesn't show on the screen that the texture is being rotated.
@mergaite said:
Yes, still persists. With any model any texture. To apply texture is a bit pain but not as bad (just a bit time consuming) the worst is the rotation. If it is applied correctly it's ok but if I have to position it. It totally freezes and it doesn't show on the screen that the texture is being rotated.
If you take a simple isolated face and apply a texture with ThruPaint, and then rotate, move, etc..., do you get a performance issue?
I try to understand if the problem is due to a particular context or is general to your Sketchup setup, as it works fine for me, and apparently no other user has reported a similar issue.
Actually, just tried on a simple box and everything works fine, rotation has no issues. But on a simple cylinder again doesn't work. I guess it's only on complex faces it's an issue. Is there something I can do with my models to fix it?
@mergaite said:
Actually, just tried on a simple box and everything works fine, rotation has no issues. But on a simple cylinder again doesn't work. I guess it's only on complex faces it's an issue. Is there something I can do with my models to fix it?
Don't know what happens for you specifically, as no other user is signaling the problem so far.
On a small cylinder, this should be fast as well as this is not a complex surface. And also, it used to work fine for you in the past.Maybe, you can change some OpenGL parameters in Preferences to see if it changes something. Bec careful to save your model, because you often get a bugsplat when changing the OpenGL parameters.
Thank you so much for your input, Fredo. I really appreciate it.
I guess it comes down to my computer settings. I will check it out.
I have this problem to. If I change "Use fast feedback" option > click "Materials" (ThruPaint Auto activate is on) > instant bugsplat.
Orbit with middle mouse button also buggy now
is thru paint still working?... because everything in the tool under freedo is working except the thru paint. there is no option bar pop out after I select the tool.
@ianpillars55555 said:
is thru paint still working?... because everything in the tool under freedo is working except the thru paint. there is no option bar pop out after I select the tool.
Can you open the Ruby console before you launch ThruPaint to check if there are error messages.
hello / salut,
Same problem Here, with sketchup 2018.
I noticed that if I disable vray it's slightly better. I tried on the very same geometry (a simple vase) in sketchup 2013 it takes 1 sec. in 2018 it's 10 secs with vray disabled, 2+mins with vray enabled
@grabuge said:
I noticed that if I disable vray it's slightly better. I tried on the very same geometry (a simple vase) in sketchup 2013 it takes 1 sec. in 2018 it's 10 secs with vray disabled, 2+mins with vray enabled
Could you send me the model so that I make tests. There should be no reason why there is a difference between SU versions.
The problem with Vray is another story however.Fredo
ok j'ai envoyรฉ par PM