2001 Monolith on Moon + +
Oh Yeah Wow. That's really good! The lighting looks very much like the big flood ligts would produce. For the ones in view did you use emitter textures? Great glow in the back and star field!
Thanks pbacot. As for the lights, your correct all the lenses of the floodlights are fake emitters. Think I had the power at 1000 watts. For real light I used point lights just in front of the lenses and loaded the .ies files for actual floodlights that I downloaded off various light manufacturers websites. The small floods down the ramps each have an .ies flood that gives off 3000 lumens. The gang lights all have an .ies file for a flood rated at 20,000 lumens. The two gang lights facing the camera each have three 20,000 lumen floods spaced in a triangle. There's three gang lights just behind the camera position. Those have four of the 20,000 lumen floods spaced out in front. Also had the sun on. Set to Sky Color. Sun Strength 2.0 , Brightness 0.600 . Set the sky color to a grey R-70, G-70, B-70.
Well here you go with another view. Turned out better than I thought it was going to. This view really pushed my very basic post pro skills...... enjoy
Wow, dood, you nailed that. Brilliant.
Thanks Mike.
@mike amos said:
...you nailed that...
yes, you did! love this work!!!!
Thanks HornOxx. It was a fun modeling and rendering challenge. Learned a lot in the process.
Thanks Bryan.
In real Touch with HAL
Hello Charles, hello All - above I mentioned the special exhibition "50 years 2001" of the Film Museum in Frankfurt and today I finally found the time to visit this - a great time, already the nice detail of the internal museum signage 3rd floor was nicely done
Unfortunately there are no more physical artifacts of the monolith left, so i photographed the lego-like monolith toy with the monkey at least.
I can't imagine how big KubrickΒ΄s advantage would have been, if you and your SkUp skills had been part of his team.
There was an about 4 m long Spacecraft Discovery model next to the moonbus and other models, the original space child even!, original space suits with helmets and equipment, lots of original script sketches and even: Hal - I touched it/himas the guard looked in the other direction
somehow I expected this reddish candle-like light and this strange voice telling me "I can't let you go home with your car"...
From your great model scene there are some original hand sketches and set photos at least and: with your model here you're pretty damn close to this set, obviouslyI dont have a good mobile phone camera - it was very dark of course and using flashlight was not allowed, yet I'll add some photo impressions here and I hope youΒ΄ll like it ...
Nice, thanks for those. Blurry brilliant to see.
Very cool exhibit.
Thanks for posting the pictures of the exhibition!