Problem introducing inches or feet
Hi Jeff, hi folks.
If you have millimeters set as your default unit, it is normal that you need to enter the ' (ft) or " (inches) symbol after the value and it is normal that you need to enter a value after drawing the line.
If you prefer, you can change the default unit to feet or inches by using Menu Window --> Model info --> Units.
Once done, you can type values without using the ' or " depending on your choice of default unit.
In short, SU interpret any length number as using the default unit and any length number as alternate unit if followed by**'**or " or mm or cm or m.
Default unit is a file parameter, thus it may change from file to file. If you foresee the use of different units, you may set-up templates with the units you use the most.
Best regards.
Thanks for helping me Jean.
I might not have expressed myself too well before. The problem is that while drawing the line I'm unable to introduce the ' or the " into the box at the right below the screen.
While drawing the line, I can introduce 102 for example. That will draw a line of 8'an 6".
If I want to introduce 8' 6", directly, during the drawing of the line, I can't, because I'm unable to tick 'or " into thecornerbox.
I first have to draw the line, press escape and fill in 8' 6" in the corner box afterwards. -
I just tried it and it works fine with Windows on Sketchup 2014 and 2017 (your information says you are on Windows and Sketchup 2014)
My model is mm
I start the line click where the line is to start and move the mouse in the direction that I want the line. Then I type 8' 6" and the line completes as expected. -
Garry: I'm on a mac with version 2015 (the profile information must be outdated).
I start the line click where the line is to start and move the mouse in the direction that I want the line. Then I type 8', but in the corner I see only 8, without the 'sign. There is no way I can introduce the ' or ".
Remember that there should be no gap between the feet and inches.
So it's:
8' 6"
BUT just as I type this, you now say you are on a MAC...
I suspect another issue...
Ensure that 'smart-quotes' are NOT set, otherwise the MAC can substitute the wrong kind of quotes ! -
Thanks, good try!
I turned of 'smart-quotes', didn't solve the issue however...
Are you sure the preferences for keyboard's smart-quotes is switched entirely 'off' ?
If you use the Text tool and type 'cat' and "cat" - with the quotes, do they all come out as simple ' and " quotes ?
Yes, sure. I followed your link and switched them off.
I can type 'cat' and "cat" with the text tool. No problem. -
I solved the issue.
I had the keyboard language set to "U.S. International - PC".
Changed it to "U.S.".... and that did the trick!Thanks everybody!
@jeff89 said:
I solved the issue.
I had the keyboard language set to "U.S. International - PC".
Changed it to "U.S.".... and that did the trick!Thanks everybody!
That would have taken us a long time to guess. Thanks for reporting the fix.
@unknownuser said:
That would have taken us a long time to guess.
Yeah, I think so too
However TIG put me on the right track somehow.
Thank you all for your help and being such a fine community!