Help with layers, please.
Hello all,
i'm a newbie of Su, i use it to export 3d models sent from clients for archviz.
I need to export the single layers of an object but i don't really understand how they works because seems they are rooted in some way, but i don't know how to fix this.Example:
This is the model i got:
In the Layer Project i've this geometry:
If i turn on the Layer glass it's ok, i can see it.
But WHY if i turn of the project layer i can't see the glass geometry anymore?
Looks like the Project layer is the main one... but i don't understand how it works.
I just need that in every layer there is the geometry that contains, without have to turn a layer one to see another one, that doesn't make sense.
This is real messy because when i export the 3d model the layer aren't subdivided as the SU model, and is a workflow killer.Please help me
You probably have elements sharing layers.
So glass is on glass layer but also on wall layer.
Some manual work is needed to fix it.
Quicker to delete all the layers and build out a new system that works for you.
Thank you!
But why i can see the geometry on "glass" layer ONLY if the "project" one is on?
There's no way to fix it? -
The way this could happen is if the glass components or elements are nested in the wall component (or group) which is on the Projects layer. I think it would be due to geometry nested in groups. One way to approach this is to make component(s) of all the elements you want on a layer then assign them to that layer (or just create a layer by typing in the entity info box for that component(s).
In case you haven't figured it out yet, layers do not separate geometry, they only hide-show things. Keep Layer0 as the active layer always, only changing visible layers.
Thank you, i think i've understand, i'll ask to the client if he can resend the fixed model
@riccardozeta said:
Thank you!
But why i can see the geometry on "glass" layer ONLY if the "project" one is on?
There's no way to fix it?If glass is on glass layer and wall is on wall layer and both glass and walls are on glasswall layer then glasswall controls visibility.
So you need to isolate the layers that have elements assigned to multiple layers and fix those.
Add new layers to your model and assign the objects you want in those layers. Then delete the layers you no longer need.
Or send us the file and let us know what scenes you need you create.
Perhaps see this thread: (sdmitch was gracious to private message me a custom solution for my needs);t=57803
Perhaps sdmitch will see this thread, and allow or share the same plug-in for you, as I think this may be what you need to sort out your lmported model layers. (Maybe pm him?)