Soft shadows in vray?
Anyone know how to achieve soft shadows with vray? (vray for su)
I could be wrong but I believe, in the enviroment settings you up the size multipler, try between 8-12.
Which multiplier? can you show me a screen grab?
With what light source? Sun, Omni or Rectangle Light?
Sun, thanks alpro, I will try your method.
oh! what if I'm using a studio setup and have no sky? my GI is 1 and white so there is no option to soften shadows. huh?
Your only light source is the GI?
Just default light selected.
Don't think there's anything you can do with the default light. Soft shadows can be controlled for the Sun/Sky and Omni lights.
Fair enough is there a way to change the sun/sky to light grey? I want the shadows according to sun but I want them soft.
@solo said:
Anyone know how to achieve soft shadows with vray? (vray for su)
Solo, the way that I achieve softer shadows, is I would just up the shadow subdivisions from say 8 to like 32. That always seems to work for me! You can do that for any type of light in vRay for SU. As for the sun, you can do the same and I normally like to have the size multiplier at around 3, instead of 8-12 like the other guy said, but thats just me. Hope this helps.
@alpro said:
Here you go,
I am using vray 2.0 for sketchup using just GI. I want soft shadows but I am not getting settings like these. Mine look like this
It's the "size" value in 2.0. Default is 1.0, that's what you want to increase to get soft shadows.
Yeah! this is a 7 year old thread, trust me I found a solution, I'm using Thea now.
@andybot said:
It's the "size" value in 2.0. Default is 1.0, that's what you want to increase to get soft shadows.
Okay, I'll try it when I get back to PC. Thanks for answering.
One more thing, is there any way I can export just the shadows from vray render? I can export raw shadows from native sketchup Jpeg exports but have no idea how to export shadows from vray. I believe that making blurry shadows in vray will increase rendering times, so I am thinking of doing it in photoshop with the "shadow only" export.
Still not sure what technique exactly will save my time when I have just one PC for the job.