[plugin]Export arcs, circles and vertex to dxf ?
circles = [] Sketchup.active_model.selection.grep(Sketchup;;Edge).each{|e| c = e.curve ### it's nil if a non-curve edge if c && c.is_a?(Sketchup;;ArcCurve) ### might be a circle or an arc circ = true c.vertices.each{|v| ### vertex has at least edges, but are there at least 2 and are both in the curve es = 0 v.edges.each{|ee| es += 1 if c.edges.include?(ee) } if es != 2 ### it's an arc circ = false break end } else ### it's not a curve, or if it is it's not a circle or an arc circ = false next end circles << c if circ && ! circles.include?(c) ### only add it to list once } circles.each{|c| ### get circle's properties here, e.g. p c.center p c.radius p c.normal }
Hello TIG,
Thank you very much
, I will try to do a first sample.
If you have the time to answer :
1/ Could you look the adds in your code (below), to get the arc entities. Am I right?
2/ If circ=false, how to get the Sketchup points of the entity?Renaud
circles = [] arcs = [] Sketchup.active_model.selection.grep(Sketchup;;Edge).each{|e| c = e.curve ### it's nil if a non-curve edge if c && c.is_a?(Sketchup;;ArcCurve) ### might be a circle or an arc circ = true arc = false c.vertices.each{|v| ### vertex has at least edges, but are there at least 2 and are both in the curve es = 0 v.edges.each{|ee| es += 1 if c.edges.include?(ee) } if es != 2 ### it's an arc arc = true break end } else ### it's not a curve, or if it is it's not a circle or an arc circ = false next end circles << c if circ && ! arc && ! circles.include?(c) ### only add it to list once arcs << c if circ && arc && ! arcs.include?(c) ### only add it to list once } circles.each{|c| ### get circle's properties here, e.g. p c.center p c.radius p c.normal } arcs.each{|c| ### get arcs's properties here, e.g. p c.center p c.radius p c.normal p c.start_angle p c.end_angle }
I think you have an error in collecting the circles and arcs.
if es != 2 ### it's an arc arc = true circ = false break end
circles << c if circ && ! circles.include?(c) ### only add it to list once arcs << c if arc && ! arcs.include?(c) ### only add it to list once
OK, right.
Hello TIG,
When arc=false and circle=false, I wanted to store the entity in an array, could y help me? So at the end, I will use the edges of these entities for writing the polylines.
You now have two arrays - for circles and arcs.
Process each collected 'curve' in turn.
e.g.circles.each{|c| c.edges.each{|e| # the curve's edges # process each edge 'e' } }
Do the same for the 'arcs' array...
As it stands, you have arrays of curves which define circles of edges.
Those 'collections' are pointing to their 'edges' - i.e. defining their 'segments', which can be used as you want later...
I misspoke, sorry. I'm OK for the arc and circle. They will be writen in the DXF file as ARC entity and CIRCLE entity.
What I don't see is how to collect the edges of the vertices of other entities of the selection/loop to write polylines (it's better than just lines for selection in the CAD softwares), when it's not an arc or a circle, in the "else" section of the previous code :else ### it's not a curve, or if it is it's not a circle or an arc circ = false arc = false ... next end
To write as polylines the dxf entities which are not circle or arc, I will use the following functions(*). The function dxf_write_polyline must be modified, because it's based on the loops of the faces, and the loop will be broken - or ignored - by the arcs and circles.
tform=Geom;;Transformation.new() layername=model.active_layer.name def dxf_transform_vertex(vertex, tform) point = Geom;;Point3d.new(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.y, vertex.position.z) point.transform! tform point end def dxf_write_polyline(face, tform, layername) face.loops.each do |aloop| $dxf_file.puts(" 0\nPOLYLINE\n 8\n"+layername+"\n 66\n 1") $dxf_file.puts("70\n 8\n 10\n0.0\n 20\n 0.0\n 30\n0.0") for j in 0..aloop.vertices.length do if (j==aloop.vertices.length) count = 0 else count = j end point = dxf_transform_vertex(aloop.vertices[count],tform) $dxf_file.puts( " 0\nVERTEX\n 8\nMY3DLAYER") $dxf_file.puts("10\n"+(point.x.to_f * $unit_conv).to_s) $dxf_file.puts("20\n"+(point.y.to_f * $unit_conv).to_s) $dxf_file.puts("30\n"+(point.z.to_f * $unit_conv).to_s) $dxf_file.puts( " 70\n 32") end if (aloop.vertices.length > 0) $dxf_file.puts( " 0\nSEQEND") end end end
Thank you very much.
(*)existing plugin from http://www.guitar-list.com, original authors: Nathan Bromham, Konrad Shroeder
In fact, there is the problem of the order of the vertices to make the polylines. I think I must follow the loops, like in the initial code of guitar-list, but I must test the ".curve" of each vertex and extract the arcs, circles, and the polylines with vertices in the order. A little tricky for me, I will take a paper and a pencil! -
Look at my 'Weld' tool.
That takes selected edges, and then welds them into a curve.
It has to sort the edges out in order and also get the start/end points correctly ordered.However, a non-arc curve has a list of ordered vertices method, so you can get their positions as points using:
points = curve.vertices.collect{|v| v.position }
then use
points.each_with_index{|p, i| model.active_entities.add_text(i.to_s, p) }
to label the points to demonstrate to yourself that they are indeed ordered... -
Thanks TIG, I will work on it.
Hello TIG,
Like other people, I have the following problem : with the(Sketchup::ArcCurve)
entities, the arcs are always rotated, with the.start_angle
value equal to 0.0 (and not equal to the angle with the X axe, the API documentation is wrong on this point in my situation - working with the entities of the loops).
Do you have a clean (and 3D) workaround?
Best regards,
Renaud. -
I just saw that the .xaxis propery of the arcs are rotated => start_angle=0 is right, because the reference is wrong. OK, knowing that, I can see how to do this.