Glue to components and stretching walls
MOVE any edge of the one-face wall with glued windows. they will jump-
inevitable like death and taxes. -
I still say I can't reproduce this.
For me Everything stays where it should be unless you move the wall off axis and then they move, but predictably. -
Thanks rv -- i did try Fredoscale with no luck. Will look at the plugins you noted.
I'll make a model for you Box.
move upper edge in z direction.
I amused to hear you never saw this bug. I guess you are not arch-viz monkey
I'm still not seeing a problem.
you managed to move straightly by Z from the start which is pretty tricky, and didn't made the first click upon the upper edge.
I guess I found some so-so workaround. One needs to select the edge then select move command, stroke the cursor over some vertical edge a couple of times, and only then click-and-drag (with shift) vertically. It is very unreliable still.
Maybe just pre-selecting the edge?
I'm on 2016,and it was bugged in all earlier versions
And besides, your two last gifs demonstrate you have the same issue but you ask me as if you are bug free. -
I really really can't find any bug.
Donno, all I can say it was always misbehaved this way (lots of PCs, multiple versions)
Dave for me it doesn't matter what method is used. Pre-selection and move (usual method) or push-pull, Fredoscale stretch, move multiple elements or one edge. Note that I was moving a whole end of a building in my recent work, but I also tried just one wall surface making it shorter.
This morning in the same file --original version before I did the change, it doesn't happen in any of the same instances. One of those things. Maybe you just need to wait a day (or restart).
Maybe it has to do with some inaccuracy but now I can contort the walls and the windows stay glued in place within reason, whereas in a supposedly straight wall yesterday, some would move a little, some move right off the wall (in plane) and some flip upside down and move a lot etc, and I guess some stayed put.
Working in isometric is way more effective than cg perspective-
In this was you don't loose the sense of parallelism\size and have ability to neutralize the clipping bug. 'No orbiting'? Could you describe pls?And besides axo\perspective mode have no inflience on the topic's issue- glued things jump in both.
@rv1974, do you always 'model' in 'Parallel Projection'?
that can to cause weird outcomes unless using 'Standard Views' i.e. no orbiting...
Peter, I assuming you don't...