[Plugin] QuadFaceTools
@ely862me said:
Well if it is not that difficult to have one texture applied to the whole model, then why don't you just do it !?
It is hard to ask for things that you don't even understand the concept of..Im just saying that im surprised there is no way to do that without the need to do tricky things. I know sketchup is really limited talkng about uv mapping, but i didnt know it was soo limited. Thats all, why you need to be so rude??. Sorry if things i ask seem really newbie-related, not everyone is as experienced as you.
Oh, well I am not that experienced, trust me.
It's just that here we are talking about a plugin that works in a certain way. Then you come with a mesh done in Artisan, and ask for advice to apply textures in quads, which clearly you have none in your ship.
You can apply textures with Thru paint and also SketchUV even if you don't have quads, but it is easier to apply textures if you have your mesh divided into portions, top, sides, wings, details etc.
Sketchup was/is primary used for architecture, that's why the texturing is so ancient. To paint a couple of flat walls is easy, but to apply a texture to an organic shape exactly as you want is nearly impossible.
That's why is good to have a nice simple geometry with some texture applied to it, then after you subdivide that, the texture will readjust, although not perfect.
I usually don't apply textures of this kind, it's out of my hand. Just here and there a couple of tires which are symmetrical and easy to apply.
I am using box mapping and planar mapping most of the time when the textures are quite repetitive, but when they are not, you must cut the surface in parts to map them individually.
There is a guy one the warehouse who makes just simple square objects, but he applies some good textures and everything looks stunning, maybe you should take a look at his models. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=c4420d36292ee89874499a543081c292 scifilicious by the nickname
Yes, I already felt sorry after I replied the first time. Sorry for being a bit harsh !
Hope you can make it after all ! -
@hsrhdrehre5654654 said:
@thomthom said:
Given such an organic shape I think a UV unwrapping tool is best for you. Ideally you'd uv map the low-poly version - though as you say currently the subdivisions might distort some of the mapping. I'm hoping OpenSubdiv will address that - but it's still in development.
That is what i was trying to avoid. I dont want the need to use a uv unwrap tool, why should i?? i dont want different textures in different parts, i just want a whole texture mapped along the whole model..
To have a single texture on the whole mesh is exactly when you do need UV unwrapping because you are trying to map a 2d texture onto a 3d surface. UV unwrapping is the process of unfolding the 3d mesh to 2d space such that it can be textured. This is the process you need to go through with any polygonal 3d modeller.
@thomthom said:
To have a single texture on the whole mesh is exactly when you do need UV unwrapping because you are trying to map a 2d texture onto a 3d surface. UV unwrapping is the process of unfolding the 3d mesh to 2d space such that it can be textured. This is the process you need to go through with any polygonal 3d modeller.
Yup, i guess i will need to do that. This is what i get aplying the texture in the whole model. With the paint tool of Artisan i can almost get a great result, but it takes literally ages and it is tricky as hell, so i just cant affor that. And yup i did texture time ago using unwrapping with Blender, but i thought that with just 1 single texture and a simpler surface to paint it will be easier. I was hoping that, selecting the distorted texture somehow, i could make it "planar" and make the projection from that texture. So it will match the top side. But the problem is, sketchup NEVER respects the original size of the texture, and rotating/scaling it to make the perfect match is a great pain in the.. not to mention, most of the times for some reason it doesnt match the postion of the rest of the texture. Conclusion, a mess.
Anyways, thanks for the help so far. Even if didnt solve the issue (the whole point was to avoid unwrapping) i did learn a couple of things
Now, what unwrapp tool can i use?? i cant use roadkill because tried to load the obj and my computer (or the app itself) cant handle the model. I cant even do zoom or rotate it.
And what about the seams? with thousands of faces, how do i make the seams? can i make the seams in sketchup somehow and exporte em to the uv unwrapping app? is the sketchuv path tool designed for that?
I could use Blender but i really really hate it :s , is there out there any other FREE unwrap tool i can use besides these two?
Thanks in advance.
Well, i used blender to unwrap. But i must be doing something wrong because the results back in sketchup are horrible. The only thing i did was to import the uvs in blender , unwrap the model and import the unwraped uvs into sketchup again. Do i need something else?
Im going to open a new tread to not keep talking about things that have nothing to do with the quadfaces plugin.
@thomthom said:
It's for converting imported geometry to Quads. When exporting geometry to blender and importing into SketchUp the edge that split the triangles in a non-planar quad is hidden - this function convert it to work with QuadFace Tools.
https://bitbucket.org/thomthom/quadface-tools/wiki/Features#!convert-blender-quads-to-quadface-quadsIm trying to convert a import obj which is completely triangulated to quads again. When i press the blender quads button nothing happens. Im using SU 2015 on OSX 10.11.2
I see this in the console
self.convert_blender_quads_to_sketchup_quads; 0.006166
@rombout said:
@thomthom said:
It's for converting imported geometry to Quads. When exporting geometry to blender and importing into SketchUp the edge that split the triangles in a non-planar quad is hidden - this function convert it to work with QuadFace Tools.
https://bitbucket.org/thomthom/quadface-tools/wiki/Features#!convert-blender-quads-to-quadface-quadsIm trying to convert a import obj which is completely triangulated to quads again. When i press the blender quads button nothing happens. Im using SU 2015 on OSX 10.11.2
I see this in the console
self.convert_blender_quads_to_sketchup_quads; 0.006166 >
Got a sample OBJ?
The Blender Quads to QFT Quads is intended for the OBJ files that Blender exports. It exports quads with hidden edges. This button convert the hidden edge to the edge properties QFT needs.
If you have a triangular mesh then you need to use the Convert Triangulated Mesh To Quads function:
Note that this function is not perfect. There is a lot of ambiguity for such a conversion. It might be easy for a human to tell what should be a quad, but not for a script. So mileage might vary.
The best is if you have an OBJ with quads.
What are you exporting the OBJs from?
I don't know if you plan to add new features to the QuadFaceTools or want to include these in SUbD. But (for me) it would be really helpful if you could include some more advanced loop tools to add or edit support edges into the SUbD toolkit. Like swift loop in max and a more intuitive and flexible connect function like in max. And the ability to move loops constrained to the edges.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnk_QB2Ma-g%26amp;nohtml5 -
@numerobis said:
I don't know if you plan to add new features to the QuadFaceTools or want to include these in SUbD. But (for me) it would be really helpful if you could include some more advanced loop tools to add or edit support edges into the SUbD toolkit. Like swift loop in max and a more intuitive and flexible connect function like in max. And the ability to move loops constrained to the edges.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnk_QB2Ma-g%26amp;nohtml5Feature requests are welcome! Could you please add them to the QFT issue tracker?
https://bitbucket.org/thomthom/quadface-tools/issues?status=new%26amp;status=openMy current plan is SUbD v2, then Vertex Tools v2, then work on QFT improvements.
hi,you are great man ! i use so many plugins that is your design. i have a problem that with me so longer
i hope use middle mouse button to pan and use shift or Alt +MMD to orbit, like 3ds max.because when i
draw with sketchup long time my hands will pain. thank you very much! -
Excuse me I have some problem about the Quad-face toolbar. after install everything is ok but I can not see the toolbar even though I check in the view toolbar. please help me.tnx
It's the second day I'm using it, and now it gives me an annoying error everytime I run Sketchup:
"Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant Infinity>
<main>:in<main>' C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/settings.rb:51:in
C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/settings.rb:51:inread_default' C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/settings.rb:51:in
C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_Lib2/settings.rb:96:inset_default' C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools/core.rb:61:in
C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools/core.rb:33:in<top (required)>' C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/Tools/extensions.rb:197:in
C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/Tools/extensions.rb:197:inload' C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools.rb:50:in
C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools.rb:50:in<module:QuadFaceTools>' C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools.rb:15:in
C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools.rb:14:in<module:TT>' C:/Users/JP/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/TT_QuadFaceTools.rb:13:in
<top (required)>' -
@jaopedro said:
It's the second day I'm using it, and now it gives me an annoying error everytime I run Sketchup
It will help if you complete your profile to help the programmers here get to the bottom of the problem
Have you installed the latest versions of the toolset from the PluginStore, AND the latest version of thomthom's Lib ?
The error message suggests that something is not up to date.
How are you installing them ?
From the downloaded RBZ files using Window > Preferences > Extensions > Install Extension... button ?
Or using the 'Auto-install' feature of the SketchUcation ExtensionStore³ dialog ??Have you restarted SketchUp after the two installations to ensure that the latest Lib code is in use ?
If you enter this into the Ruby Console and restart - does that fix things?
TT;;Plugins;;QuadFaceTools.settings[;uv_u_scale] = 1.0 TT;;Plugins;;QuadFaceTools.settings[;uv_v_scale] = 1.0
Thomas, The help you gave me on my pillow model over on the SubD forum got me thinking. I have run the sandbox to quads function on proxies after doing various adjustments. I'm now wondering if I'm using the tool correctly. ( I'm sure I forgot or didn't think I needed to do it to the pillow ) I've been triple clicking to select all in the group or component then clicking the sandbox to quads button. Is that correct ? Also I've noticed there is no outward indication it's doing anything. For example some plugins will turn the curser into the spinning beachball until the've done their thing. Short of running the analyze color to quads is their another indication it's done the job that I'm just missing. ?
I'm afraid there is not other indication right now. I have been toying with the idea of making a function that will update the face color based on whether its a triangle, quad or n-gone.
Thomas , thanks for the quick response and I'll keep forging ahead and try and learn from my mistakes.
I plan to make improvements to this - but I probably won't get around to do anything until after the summer.
It's all good Thomas. Amazed you do all the stuff you do. You must have some hidden super powers ! Definitely making progress with your tools. Heck messing about late last night and figured out how to get rid of the triangles I always end up with in the corners of those pillows.