Shortcut to rotate texture 90
Is there any way to make a "rotate texture 90°" command, that could be accessed by a tool button, a keyboard shortcut, or a right-click? Something like a macro command to automate the process of:
Right-click face
Left-click "Texture" in context menu
Left-click "Position" in sub-menu
Right-click model window
Left-click "Rotate" in context menu
Left-click "90" in sub-menu
Right-click model window
Left-click "Done" in context menuThis is something I have to do very frequently, drawing cabinets and custom woodwork. There are a lot of little wood faces that all need to point the right directions.
Can't be done oddly enough. try this....
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FWIW, You can minimize the number of rotate operations you describe when modeling. You don't need to repeat it from part to part. Generally I manage to do the rotate thing once for a model and then sample that rotated texture for the other parts where I need the same orientation.
I do end up moving the texture sometimes so I can use different parts of the "board" for different parts of the project. A benefit of 8 to 12 foot long textures.
My steps come to
Right click contexual menu on face texture/position
Right click contextual menu on face rotate / 90
click in model or choose tool or commandbut yes the plugins are a great help when you get going on texturing.
@dave r said:
Generally I manage to do the rotate thing once for a model and then sample that rotated texture for the other parts where I need the same orientation.
Yeah, I learned that trick somewhere and it definitely helps. But I still find myself doing a fair amount of rotating, because when sampling, it's not obvious whether a texture that appears to be rotated is actually just the un-rotated texture, applied to a rotated component. So I can sample a texture that appears to run the direction I want, but I may or may not get it. Meaning I have to try some other sample source, or just go ahead with the three to nine (depending on how you count) steps to rotate it.
So would it be possible to rotate the texture of a selection 90 degrees with a ruby script? If so, I could assign a keyboard shortcut to that script.
@rich o brien said:
Try this....
SketchUp Plugins | PluginStore | SketchUcation
SketchUp Plugin and Extension Store by SketchUcation provides free downloads of hundreds of SketchUp extensions and plugins
Thanks for that! Aside from being a helpful tool, it also shows me that it is possible to make a "rotate selected texture 90°" tool, for which I could make a shortcut. Perhaps a good project for me to learn a bit about Ruby!
To ensure that the texture you are sampling is actually a previously rotated example just draw a cube with the texture rotated as required on each face (make group or component). Use the cube to sample from and not the model itself. A refinement, if you will be using the same texture again, would be to create the sample cube like a Rubic cube. Then each sub face can be moved as well as rotated to provide variation of parts of the texture image.
@numerobis said:
I use this one...'s exactly it! Thank you.
In the meantime, I also cobbled together a "Rotate 90" out of TIG's TextureTools plugin that works more or less the same way.
It will be interesting to see how long it will take me to save as much time rotating textures as I have spent on coming up with a faster way to do it!
I use this one... comes with a rotate 90° tool (right/left) and you can assign shortcuts.
The other tool i use a lot is the "align texture to edge". Very helpful!