Keyboard shortcuts stopped working 2015
Yup - just went back to check and all the new ones that I added are working just fine.
@kathryng said:
Yup - just went back to check and all the new ones that I added are working just fine.
I was kigdding. Look.. How 27" diagonal could influence shortcuts?
Don't kid... I'm gullible. Or at least on these forums I am, since compared to everyone else here I am undoubtedly the dimmest, and have gone through my life having no confidence in any of my abilities. Ergo - thinking that everyone else knows more than me. Don't know that I grasp the inner workings of the abyss of technology, I just skim the surface, and thought that maybe it had something to do with the whole construct of the 27", not just the size of the monitor. Actually... I also kind of thought that maybe you were just a bobo too
because some of the answers one gets on these forums are definitely just roll your eyes moments, even for me.
Cheers! Can't even find the darn emoji for sticking out tongue - I rest my case, sheesh.
What a nice display of fair play! Cheers Kathryn!
@jql said:
What a nice display of fair play! Cheers Kathryn!
I very much agree. Well done, well said, Kathryn!
Reaching out to hellnbak and JQL please. As Charlie Brown would say - "RATS!" or 'GOOD GRIEF!" I set up my keyboard shortcuts, and was happy to do so as I assigned keys that made more sense to me personally for each tool that I use the most.
Working great, and then SU crashed. (Does that quite a bit with me - usually when I try to render my model using my well loved LightUp.) Frustrating, but thank goodness for the auto-save feature. Once I restart SU though, all those carefully set up keyboard shortcuts that I assigned are history. What am I missing here?
Thank you both in advance for your help. Keyboard shortcuts do absolutely speed up work flow and I am lost without them.
Kathryn, I fear that (to paraphrase Simon and Garfunkel) when they're gone, they're gone. Unless you had a backup. To protect yourself in the future, the Window->Preferences->Shortcuts panel has import and export buttons you can use to create a copy in a safe place.
Thank you, I will do that. I just did not understand why though after all these years of being a Newbie SU user
and never having them go AWOL before that they have started doing this?
No point whining anymore - will just do as you suggest and move forward.
Ta ever so much.
It sounds like you really need to find the root of the problem.
If it only happens after using Lightup then that needs exploring.
More info and testing may solve it, but not being fluent in Mac or lightup I can't add anything else. -
it may well be Autosave that's crashing LightUp...if it kicks in during any intensive process it can bring SU to it's knees...
βS is one of the best shortcuts to use religiously