Small swing arm desk lamp
@mike amos said:
Nice one.
Thanks. This is mostly a project to get 2015 set up and running. This is the first time I've used 2015 to make a model, so I needed to tweek and configure the preferences and learn where some of the setting controls moved to.
You would not believe how long I struggled with the new arc tools.
@hornoxx said:
I like these "step by step" posts very much - thanks for sharing this one and please continue
Switch and electrical socket stack detail.
Not much to look at, but here is the lamp shade.
Final detail.
The little thin support rods for the shade were a pain. Who knew?
Next will be color and then final renders.
Reverse view
Oops. Had the base scaled too big.
Just noticed this.
How can I join the dark side with a lamp ?!
Use the shadows!
Reminds me of
A bit of a blinder mate, pun intended. Nice one.
First coloring. Test render with Twilight next
First render in Kerkythea. Looks terrible. This is why I need the upcoming book.
Twilight wouldn't even give me an image after 20 minutes.
Kerky looks bad.I am definitely doing something wrong.
Try downloading the file that they use for the Twilight test render. It has a lamp --although the shade for that one is glass. Might be a start. You might copy the materials and lighting or look at what they did.
Excellent suggestion pbacot! Thanks. I'll try that next.
Here is the result of no emitter and straight sky. I need to figure out how to get rid of the banding on the background. This is High 7+ in Twilight. I will probably need to go even higher.