Yellow glow from sun
Can somebody tell me how to get rid or reduce the yellow glow I get in my render?
Is it sun related? There is no reflection layer on the yellowish ground material.
I already changed the building from default material to a white paint material.
I have july the first at noon in my shadow settings in sketchup. -
It's the reflection from the ground that causes the yellow hue on the building. Change the color of the ground to see the effect (maybe a grey?).
Say that it is the ground that gives the yellow hue. How do I correct it, because the ground in reality is yellow.
There is no reflective layer on that material, so I don't know what causes the light to bump of it and to takes the yellow with it. -
Hi Koen, I've found this youtube tutorial that has a solution for you problem: Hope it helps.
Regards, (en succes!)
@ Peerman
Thx for this solution!
I have a semi-success with it.
You can see on the pictures that my interior lighting has disappeared as well.
I can figure out a solution with Gimp, but I feel i'm a couple of settings away from figuring this out.I didn't know I could save the irradiance map and light cache map.
Say that you have to render the same scene 4 times but with different materials. Then you can save those maps after the first render and save yourself quite some time.
Or maybe I'm wrong. The different materials would result in different maps.
So it kind of works, hmm. And if you render normal with the yellow ground as grey and color it afterwards?
In a situation like this, I would heavily desaturate/lighten the sand, render the scene out, then add the sand during post. Make sure you have render ID or Material ID selected in your render elements (for masking/selections). You'll easily be able to apply color and texture to your sand while keeping you shadow data by using layers/masks/blend modes in photoshop. With a little googling, you can find some great tutorials that explain how to do this in detail. I wouldn't change anything on your original arch model. I think it's more important for your building materials to be reflecting proper lighting/colors on themselves. cheers.
you can avoid this yellow light by going in Indirect illumination, and put Saturation to 0