SketchUcation 3D Viewer (formerly the '[ignore]' thread)
All is good Dave, fortunately I have my Grandfathers jeans, he left them to me in his will and they have saved me once again.
Unfortunately Grandfather drowned in a vat of whiskey and it was those very jeans that allowed him to climb out 5 times to have a pee.
@Box - Yes your model loaded slow (even slower than the one I shared) but boy I sure wish I had the ability to draw something like your model...
I have been at this for about 18 months now and am still learning something new every day (mostly in this forum). As I look back at some of the equipment models I have drawn and now include in my layouts, I see things that could be improved. I am thinking seriously about going back and updating some components/models.
I car wash that I posted in this thread is a good example. If you get inside the building and look at some of the equipment there are pieces that need to be improved. I just "threw together" the model I posted to see how something like that would look. I keep trying to find ways to get the company I do the drawings for to step in the "next generation" and use some online technology instead of relying on the printed versions. But I digress.
When I see the work of people like you, Dave R, Pilou, Rich and some others, I think "if only I had that kind of talent". I am not an engineer or an artist but I sure do enjoy this stuff in my retirement.......
some changes occured the past 5 days...
[a] we've moved to a new server so anyone testing maybe notice dead embed links. (sorry)
[b] fullscreen in the browser is now a proper fullscreen mode. just hit the last icon to go fullcreen
[c] mobile touch controls on orbit are enabled. (@box gabor is puckering up)
[d] pinch controls for zooming and three fingers for panning in progress (expect it to break over coming days)
Rich, this is great news on the touch and full screen support. Unfortunately, the only touch screen I have available right now is my iPad mini. I can see that the touchscreen does work (little touchy on the iPad) but the Full Screen is not working on my iPad.
orbit, zoom and pan is now functional on android and iOS.
we begun adding studio enviroment maps to make reflections quite polished...
just noticed the forum embed is kinda funky....
hit the fullscreen button to see model
I know Gabor is puckered up but he'll have to keep his lips that way a little longer.
I tried it when you first posted about Android and it just kept crashing on me. Had to leave it and come back to see what was up.
Still the same now, tap on it, it loads can move at around hesitantly then the whole browser shuts down. Same with Firefox, chrome and built in browser. Not just the tab, the whole browser has to be started up again.
Android 4.4.2 all browsers up to date. -
could be your phone's processor/memory not having enough grunt.
on my old iPad i can forget about viewing. yet on my iPhone 5s it's blazing fast.
Galaxy note 3 isn't exactly a wimp.
I wouldn't know?
On Gabor's phone it's fairly responsive. But I don't know what that is either?
I get these two error messages then it shuts down.
ok, i see issue....
can you try pasting this url into your phone's browser?
Yes that works better but it does fail after poking about.
Mostly now when I try to zoom in, gets to a certain point and then black screen, it's not a crash because I can go back. -
We still tweak things.
And i give feedback. Not complaints. I will be in the bush for a wedding after tomorrow for 5 days, so responses will be sporadic, mobile and potentially gibberish. Or should i say more gibberish than normal. A country wedding with all the trimmings goes on forever and a day.
@box said:
And i give feedback. Not complaints.
And I hope that any posts I make in this thread are taken the same way. I think the viewer is headed in the right direction and if I make any comments that are only meant to be in a constructive vain.
complaints are feedback.
we read and listen to all suggestions.
so feel free to report here, via email or by letter
No compalaints here. Looking too good to be true.
Have to test it on this project but the damn client keeps messing around with it... (and me too)
just so I can complain again!