Print a list of shortcut keys
I have found the shortcut key reference card but when I print it out, it is not legible. Is there a way to print the list some other way? Or even to print the list that shows up under preferences? Thank you.
Jerry, there's a plugin that will create a list of your keyboard shortcuts. They get displayed in a pop up window in SU but you can copy the text and paste into a Word doc and make the text any size you wish. I'll see if I can find it.
You could also export the DAT file via Window>Preferences>Shortcuts and open that in Notepad or whatever.
See this as well:;t=57239
And the plugin: Zip it up, rename the zip file to .rbz and use Install extension to install it.
Hi Jerry, hi folks.
The ones that can be downloaded here:
seem to be legible.
However, the most recent is labeled for SU 2014.
However, SU 2015 is not much different from 2014 so it is still useful.
Just ideas
This one-liner copy+pasted into the Ruby Console + <enter> will make a file named 'shortcuts-N.txt' on your Desktop, where '-N' is the SketchUp version, it then opens the file.