Finally gone back(i mean forward) to a PC!
@unknownuser said:
probably most other computers don't break either)
That sums it up.
Break downs are rare. The pc I just retired went 12 years with out a hick-up. It is still in use.
Why are we resurrecting this Mac v PC argument again?! Guys, let it go! There are valid reasons to choose either (although I'm Windows All. Day. Long). When I was making a decision 4 yrs ago as to which one I would choose, I did a bit of research and found out that Mac computers were problematic when it came to design/CAD software. It was a no-brainer for me to opt for a PC. I just didn't want that risk. Could be different these days though. I'm not sure if there are still issues in that area for Mac.
Oli, don't feel under pressure to try and illustrate ridiculous rendering times in comparison to your previous machine. I'm not interested in a comparison of that nature. I'm just interested in your render times full stop! Can you do a test using Maxwell Render, to give me a better idea?
@neets said:
Why are we resurrecting this Mac v PC argument again?!
I'm not sure if there are still issues in that area for Mac.isn't that what you just did?
The "problematic" issue for Mac involving CAD was probably Autodesk decided not to support Mac OS in the past. I've used PC and AutoCAD some in training, but I have used Mac since 88 for CAD. There's no problem. AutoCAD is now back on Mac to some extent, but I never wanted to use it for my work in the first place.
@numerobis said:
a 4970K should be around 10 min and ~BM450
But you have to read the list very carfully today and compare the results and infos, because it is messed up with many bad entries without specs and info. Results of clearly overclocked machines without any info about the real clock rates - the GHz number in the Processor column only shows the stock speed.
Thanks for this; I remember checking the Benchwell list previously but, like you've said, I was concerned about the authenticity of the specs! Oli's result might be more accurate.
@pbacot said:
The "problematic" issue for Mac involving CAD was probably Autodesk decided not to support Mac OS in the past. I've used PC and AutoCAD some in training, but I have used Mac since 88 for CAD. There's no problem. AutoCAD is now back on Mac to some extent, but I never wanted to use it for my work in the first place.
You're right, it did involve AutoCAD a lot and that was one of my requirements because I needed to use AutoCAD for my design studies. I appreciate that a number of issues may have been resolved but when I did my research, a lot of the feedback was that Windows was generally more straightforward when using (external) CAD/design software.
@neets said:
I'm just interested in your render times full stop! Can you do a test using Maxwell Render, to give me a better idea?
a 4970K should be around 10 min and ~BM450
But you have to read the list very carefully today and compare the results and infos, because it is messed up with many bad entries without specs and info. Results of clearly overclocked machines without any info about the real clock rates - the GHz number in the Processor column only shows the stock speed.
I don't even have or use Maxwell sorry! It's a good bit of kit though.
@jeff hammond said:
hey neets.. i think the trick with maxwell is to set it up where you're not watching it render
I'm guessing this is a very unsubtle remark about the time it can take for Maxwell to render??! Doesn't bother me in the slightest - the results speak for themselves
i use indigo.. same deal
Did a quick comparison test.
Obviously my new PC is faster than my old imac....but just for giggles, here is the difference in Thea Render.
I can't use my old Mac GPU for Thea rendering, can't be bothered finding out why, it's incompatible.
Mac render time CPU: 140 seconds
PC render time CPU: 23 seconds (7 times quicker)
PC render time GPU: 14 seconds (10 times quicker)
PC render time CPU + GPU : 10 seconds (14 times quicker)
@Kristoff and Stefan: Temperature maxed out at 74 Degrees Celsius when rendering a longer scene. Thermal Status: OK