SUbD - Non-destructive subdivision with creases and quads
Long time, no post. I just updated the topic with a new video
Live crease adjustment on the limit mesh
Take your time: it's holliday soon! -
Since the first post, every time I visit here, I check on this thread... don't rush it, but I really can't wait to see it finished.
The skill and vision demonstrated by plugin authors such as yourself thomthom, is at times truly astonishing... oh, and by the way that is one very nice looking Charger in the demo video.
Good luck sir! -
SubDs in SU? I don't believe it. This cannot be real. It's a hallucination brought on from a flagrant misuse of 3D modelling software... But then I remember having a similar feeling about Vertex Tools as well... or was that solid inspector? It's all so hazy.
You know thomthom, you are getting dangerously close to making SU a full fledged 3D package here, and certain big software names might get a little upset about this. Watch your back because the 3D mafia might start taking notice.
**%(#FF0000)[**BRING IT ON !**]**
@thomthom said:
Well, when Pixar is so kind to [url\]give away[/url] their [url\]subdivision technology[/url] in an effort to standardize - then that's a pretty good friend to have.
The industry sort of seems to be going that direction to some degree... but then I'm sure Modo handed over a nice little bag of money to buy Pixar's love for their software.
@thomthom said:
(Btw, I'm currently not using OpenSubDiv. I found out about this not too long ago. Currently I'm using an older techniques. But it's on my list of key features I want to add.)
At this point I'm more than happy to see any SubD implementation at all, but added OpenSubDiv features would be stellar!
@xiombarg said:
and certain big software names might get a little upset about this. Watch your back because the 3D mafia might start taking notice.
Well, when Pixar is so kind to give away their subdivision technology in an effort to standardize - then that's a pretty good friend to have.
(Btw, I'm currently not using OpenSubDiv. I found out about this not too long ago. Currently I'm using an older techniques. But it's on my list of key features I want to add.) -
hmmm.. any update here?
@cuttingedge said:
hmmm.. any update here?
posted earlier
@unknownuser said:
and certain big software names might get a little upset about this. Watch your back because the 3D mafia might start taking notice.
No mafia has been knocking on my door. But summer time is not good for my productivity. We've had record high temperature in Norway these last months. My computer has better cooling system than what I do.
I have been tinkering on it though, but on a large change that require a lot of core changes and that means I've had nothing visual to show.
@thomthom said:
No mafia has been knocking on my door. But summer time is not good for my productivity. We've had record high temperature in Norway these last months. My computer has better cooling system than what I do.
I have been tinkering on it though, but on a large change that require a lot of core changes and that means I've had nothing visual to show.
Record high temperatures in Norway? So what is that, like 70 degrees?
Haha! Something like that. That is in fact my peek temperature before my brain start overheating. (I presume you use Fahrenheit.) We actually have had above 85F recently... o_O
Any news from developement master Thom? I'm really looking forward to it..
This looks promissing!
@krisidious said:
link removed
I am definitely going to enjoy that one. The online manual etc look great, too. Well done, Thom!