[Plugin] Eneroth Railroad System (v 0.1.21)
Hi Eneroth3 not getting any thing in dialogue box. I'm on Mac with Safari 7.0.4 and SU 2014 everything up to date.
@mwm5053 said:
Hi Eneroth3 not getting any thing in dialogue box. I'm on Mac with Safari 7.0.4 and SU 2014 everything up to date.
Is it the same for all dialogs or just this one?
Here's some more screen shots of the other dialog boxes.
Something that RailRoadsystem can do!
Just replace locomotive by planes! -
@mwm5053 said:
Here's some more screen shots of the other dialog boxes.
It looks as if the javascript code in dialog.show_modal doesn't run on that specific web dialog, probably due to a misspelling in the code. Hopefully there's no problem with the other dialogs
@unknownuser said:
French translation of the Documentation is done!
I will see now if the new version 1.1.0 has a new documenttion!
I don't understand much French so I can't say much about the translation but I did notice you have capital letters where there shouldn't be in the motion types of the mechanical parts in rolling stocks. Unless these (and all other text the user writes) is spelled correctly the computer won't understand it.
Can you give me an example and addresse page?
For correction if necessary -
French translation of the Documentation is done!
I will see now if the new version 1.1.0 has a new documentation!
@unknownuser said:
Can you give me an example and addresse page?
For correction if necessaryI don't know if you changed the capital letter because now I can't find them but the Create Rolling stock page mentions an attribute called "rayon" that doesn't exist in the plugin. Also there are no headers in the text except for in a few random places so it's quite hard to see what text belongs to what.
Effectivelly I had changed some capitals
yes it's all the difficulty of translation!
What translate or not!So imagine in the Ruby code Text!
"radius" and all few little things corrected
@unknownuser said:
Also there are no headers in the text except for in a few random places so it's quite hard to see what text belongs to what.
This is very mysterious for me!
Have you an example of that ? Or a Copy screen ? -
@unknownuser said:
Effectivelly I had changed some capitals
yes it's all the difficulty of translation!
What translate or not!So imagine in the Ruby code Text!
"radius" and all few little things corrected
@unknownuser said:
Also there are no headers in the text except for in a few random places so it's quite hard to see what text belongs to what.
This is very mysterious for me!
Have you an example of that ? Or a Copy screen ?"Les piรจces en mouvement" is a little bigegr than normal text and has the same color even though it is a second level header. "Toutes les piรจces mรฉcaniques" looks the same even though it's a third level header. "translation_circular" is also a third level header but it's white unlike all other text.
is a translation of the plugin realy important?. ok the manual in other languages is ok.
pilou i would understand your wish, if eneroth to have written the plugin in swedish.
i think this is not the main problem.
my native language is german, and i donยดt ask about any translations.
the common denominator is english i think.will you let play your kids with this plugin?
i must say in donยดt missing german in this plugin.
best regards to a wonderful france. i watching in ARTE(TV)any documentaions about france.
dean from berlin
here some text from mark twain about german language.
or here
german have very long words and if i see the plugin, the layout must be changed.
@unknownuser said:
Something that RailRoadsystem can do!
Just replace locomotive by planes!pilou the same i have written to eneroth.
not only plane you can use ships , too.
oops my sailboat is flooding,
ok i have find a life guard
If there is a translation it has to be 100% correct and not fool the user into problems with the plugin. However I don't see a very big need for it. Learning English, today's lingua franca, is a long term solution that is also very beneficial in other situations throughout life.
@eneroth3 said:
If there is a translation it has to be 100% correct and not fool the user into problems with the plugin. However I don't see a very big need for it. Learning English, today's lingua franca, is a long term solution that is also very beneficial in other situations throughout life.
translation is on part, the translator must understand the subject,too.
i need only a translation, if the subject will be very difficult to understand.difficult for me is the way to setup the rolling stock like the flying scotman.
@deaneau said:
@eneroth3 said:
If there is a translation it has to be 100% correct and not fool the user into problems with the plugin. However I don't see a very big need for it. Learning English, today's lingua franca, is a long term solution that is also very beneficial in other situations throughout life.
translation is on part, the translator must understand the subject,too.
i need only a translation, if the subject will be very difficult to understand.difficult for me is the way to setup the rolling stock like the flying scotman.
That's also the part hardest to translate because if anything is not 100% perfect it will go wrong and not work. I might some day look into the docs and try to make it easier to understand with more images, perhaps even videos of certain steps. Perhaps there will even be a graphical interface in the distant future to initialize the moving parts more easily.
yes, one movie or picture tell more than thousand words.
Some Titles corrections You are very strict!
As the page text is some long, reader has forgotten the level of reading and me too!
Excuse for no reply before. All web dialogs work fine now on Mac 10.9.3 & SU2014, included "Insert Track".
One question, the Track Properties icon is off although you have selected a Track, you can to access to the Properties Track only by Contextual Menu.To translate the web dialogs BGSketchup_Composants plugin have a file named Loacalization.rb that include all languages, I don't know the ruby code but perhaps this can be a solution to give support to translation.
With new version 1.11 on 2014 (previous version was fine)
Seems Connect Ends system from Selection between roads create rails!
Does this normal ?And Add a Rolling Stock adds an image and not a volume!