Creating Proxies for Vray( Vrmesh and Vismat)
When creating lets say a proxy tree, is there a way by which I can create a vismat file to go with my Vrmesh file so that when I import my Vrmesh back to skecthup,I can equally go to the Material Editor and Import my Vismat file (containing material information for leaves,bark etc..) so that the proxy IDs get updated with the material required automatically.
If you are using the current service pack of vray for SU 2.0, the proxy export should be creating a component file that has all the vray materials in it. You shouldn't need to import vismats separately.
The weird thing happened that my vary proxy item turn transparent in the render image.
I though there is no way to edit the proxy item in the vray material editor. Since the proxy is just fragmented polygon floating in air. It will be nice if it's true.