OpenGL Driver
m here, but I don
t know the snippet -
then we need TIG or Thomthom to bail us out.
I know for a fact that there's a snippet for this.
Thanks for the help guys! I'll keep an eye out for TIG or Thomthom
@unknownuser said:
OpenGL settings on the Mac OS X version of SketchUp are different than on Windows, but you should be able to get something nice to look at on either platform. It looks to me a little like you're not running your display at its native resolution, but I can't be sure. Typically, the Mac OS picks a pretty reasonable setting for you- you may (however) want to try forcing FSAA (Full Screen Anti-Aliasing) 'On' manually if you don't like the default appearance.
CAUTION: This is an undocumented hack that isn't habitually tested by our QA teamโ though it may give you the 'look' you're after, it may cause unexpected issues elsewhere in the application.
Choose "Window > Ruby Console" to open the Ruby Console
type the following into the console:
...and hit Return.
3. The console should echo back to you something like:0
...indicating the previous anti-aliasing setting was "0x"
- Quit SketchUp and restart. All SketchUp windows will now have 4x anti-aliasing enabled.
Hope this helps- and remember: this isn't guranteed to work on all Macintosh models.
tells you what it's set at...
will set it to 4 [ choices 0,1,2,3,4 ]
v2013 sets it at 4
v2014 sets it at 0, due to some performance issues on some machines, I believe...sorry I'm not TIG or TT
@driven said:
sorry I'm not TIG or TT
...but you'll definitely do.
Thanks it was wrecking my head but....
Test.get_AA_method Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `get_AA_method' for Test;Module> <main>;in `<main>' -e;1;in `eval' nil
@rich o brien said:
@driven said:
sorry I'm not TIG or TT
...but you'll definitely do.
Thanks it was wrecking my head but....
Test.get_AA_method > Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `get_AA_method' for Test;Module> > <main>;in `<main>' > -e;1;in `eval' > nil >
I'm getting the same error message
For me, console spit this out:
Test.methods.sort.join("\n") ! != !~ < <= <=> == === =~ > >= AutoClickTime AutoClickTime= AutoDragDistance AutoDragDistance= CorruptModel FindFile __id__ __send__ ancestors autoload autoload? class class_eval class_exec class_variable_defined? class_variable_get class_variable_set class_variables clone const_defined? const_get const_missing const_set constants define_singleton_method display dup eat_mem enum_for eql? equal? export_animation extend flip_images_for_origami freeze frozen? hash include? included_modules inspect instance_eval instance_exec instance_method instance_methods instance_of? instance_variable_defined? instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variables is_a? kind_of? method method_defined? methods module_eval module_exec name nil? object_id private_class_method private_constant private_instance_methods private_method_defined? private_methods project_textures_from_photo protected_instance_methods protected_method_defined? protected_methods public_class_method public_constant public_instance_method public_instance_methods public_method public_method_defined? public_methods public_send remove_class_variable remove_instance_variable respond_to? send show_fps singleton_class singleton_methods taint tainted? tap time_display time_pick to_enum to_json to_s trust untaint untrust untrusted? use_sg_off_screen use_sg_on_screen
so, they are missing on Windows...
sorry about that...
No worries! I appreciate you taking the time to help out!
@matt.gordon320 said:
...and is there any way to get it back?
you can remove the whole OGL key of SU v2014 from the Windows registry by executing the attached REG file (see archive).
Exit SU before doing this, launching SU then the OGL defaults should be restored.