[Plugin] MoveIt
A multiple copy option would be great
And thanks once again.....it's pretty obvious I like this one.
Mover has a feature where it will move an object by an amount determined by the objects size if the DIST amount is zero or blank. It works since the plugin only supports moving one thing at a time. If I wanted to move multiple selected objects, this feature becomes less useful (if it was useful to begin with.)
I wanted to know of anyone uses this feature, and if anyone would be unhappy if I removed it in favor of adding the ability to move multiple selected objects?
@jim said:
Mover has a feature where it will move an object by an amount determined by the objects size if the DIST amount is zero or blank.
Jim, I know I was less than enthusiastic when I first saw the 'mover' but I have since come to use and appreciate it more and more. So first of all: Thank you. Secondly, regarding the above mentioned feature I find that to be very very helpful.
Thanks again. -
Jim, I just tried your tool and I like it. Thanks a lot. I would prefer to use multiple selection of groups and components. More convenient for me.
Thank you for posting this great ruby.
I'm on a Mac, and I'd like to report some interface-niggles: First of all, the window-size appears to be off. Attached find the window as displayed, when the script is opened. When I resize it, in order to see the rotate-buttons, the horizontal size gets fixed at far too broad, see attachment two, and can't be reduced.As the window is so big, I can't put it to the side of the model-space, so I have to put it somewhere on top. As soon as I click anywhere in the model window, though, it gets the focus and covers the mover-window, which unfortunately doesn't float, at least not on a Mac.
Third, any effect of the movement only becomes visible, if I click in the model window after I used mover. If I just click the buttons, nothing seems to happen. So visual feedback is rather muddled, I have to know exactly what I want to do, and only get confirmation, after I revert focus back to the model window.
I don't know, if these issues are Mac-only, but I have a feeling, someone else would have already pointed them out, if they weren't.
Thanks for sharing.
SAM from Vienna.[samtsham]
I was aware of some of those issues, but not all of them - thanks for bringing them up.
Unfortunately, I do not own or have access to a Mac, which makes it difficult to create a cross-platform version - or even a separate Mac version. My understanding is that they are all Mac specific issues.
Thanks for the comments and interest.
Could you test it using Safari for Windows as the browser for the HTML? Would that give you a more accurate preview of what the Mac might be seeing?
Just asking a question out my deep Ruby ignorance.
Safari may help remove some of the issues.
Last time I tried Safari (about a month ago,) it wouldn't run on my computer. I'm the guy still running Windows 2000 Pro on an AMD Athlon 1800 with 256 MB RAM. It barely meets the minimum requirements of the latest softwares. I'll try it again.
On second thought, it wouldn't help. You can't tell SketchUp to use one browser over another. I think it always uses Internet Explorer for WebDialogs. Unless someone knows something I don't...
@kdjanz said:
Could you test it using Safari for Windows as the browser for the HTML? Would that give you a more accurate preview of what the Mac might be seeing?
Just asking a question out my deep Ruby ignorance.
@jim said:
Mover has a feature where it will move an object by an amount determined by the objects size if the DIST amount is zero or blank. It works since the plugin only supports moving one thing at a time. If I wanted to move multiple selected objects, this feature becomes less useful (if it was useful to begin with.)
I wanted to know of anyone uses this feature, and if anyone would be unhappy if I removed it in favor of adding the ability to move multiple selected objects?
I find this to be usefull as GIdon, regarding the multiple copy will it be possible to copy in in x,y,z at the same time as in autocad, rows colums and levels? this would be very very usefull. Thank you for all your great work on this.
This is a great plugin that I have already used a number of times, and found to be very useful.
Would it be possible to further enhance the rotation tool so that one could specify an axis?
I am sometimes frustrated by SU when I need to rotate an object, which is in free-space, as the native rotation tool defaults to Z axis, unless there is a face to reference from. If I need to rotate a line, I have to draw a face, possibly pull it up to get a vertical face, and the lock the axis from that. Then after the rotation there is useless geometry to erase.
If Mover could fill this shortcoming in SU I would really appreciate it.
I know that Rotix.rb has this functionality in it already, but it would be nice to have an all-in-one tool.
Plus the Rotix.rb plugin always uses the center of the object as the rotation point, perhaps you could let us specify any point as the origin for rotation?
Thanks for considering these thoughts.
Graet tool Jim,
Can it have a mirror comand?
Hi, Jim
I use this plugin every day - it is a big time saver for me. I have some suggestions - can we have an option to use components/groups axis instead of model axis. And since You have a simple shell plugin can we have a scaling function as an addition to move and rotate? Thanks. -
Hi Jim!
May I humbly request to add "scale department" to your 'mover 2'?
With uniform\non uniform\random\by axis\ lock the component insert point features it'd be a killer plugin.
Thanks in advance. -
@rv1974 said:
something like this:
Ah, that's what I need - pictures! Let me see what I can do. Thanks.
I renamed it MoveIt and it's in the SketchUcation store.
Tried to download Mover2.
Got this error.Also no download arrow available for 'makeorthoviews'
@jim said:
I renamed it MoveIt and it's in the SketchUcation store.
Whew!! I was worried there
Thanks for the quick reply.How about Makeorthoviews?