New section plugin?
@rich o brien said:
Skalp for SketchUp is the most awesome section tool I've seen.
I'm not gonna spoil the surprise of what it does bit anyone who has AutoCad patterns that they want to use in SU and have them converted into seamless textures in SketchUp will be happy.
Textures was not what I was hoping for but lets wait until we see the plugin in action. A bit strange because on the website it states 'Export to DXF includes real CAD hatch patterns'. I was under the impression dxf only support lines and not textures.
@jolran said:
...You can use 2dboolean to hatch faces if you have premade edgepatterns-components, you know.
This is exactly what I do at the moment. It involves some repetitive manual work which would be nice if it could be avoided.
@jolran said:
However there is one issue that bothers me, and it is the workflow with Layout. I recently did a building permit for a house with edge-patterns as roof-tiles. In SU all was fine and snappy, but updatetime in Layout was unworkable. I'm sure there are workarounds, but I have my doubts... I'm still on SU8, so this could be a totally different matter in 2014.
Not sure what's the problem here. Multiple pages? What mode are you using (vector)? Medium or high quality during editing? I'm quite happy with the speed. Maybe try opening the layout drawing in a trail version of SU2013 or SU2014? In SU 2014, according to the release notes, speed in layout was improved in vector mode.
I put my hatches (together with dimensions and electrical symbols etcetera) on a seperate layer in layout (all get the the same pen-size) so if layout would get slow, it's easy to lower the amount of linework temporary.
I'm still on ver 8
to poor at the moment. Maybe that's the problem.
@unknownuser said:
It involves some repetitive manual work which would be nice if it could be avoided.
Yeah, I know. Especially if one have to redo it again..
This Skalp plugin looks truly amazing though. Being able to load in CAD patterns will be a killer.
2013 does add hatch patterns for layout and faster layout response in vector.
though you'll still have section problems.
- layout only recognizes hatch patterns or materials from sketchup when in graphic mode, not vector
- you'll have to either copy paste sections slices in and convert them to filled hatches or you'll have to trace your plan with the layout hatch lines.
- this defeats the model updating feature of the sketchup/layout system.
using Tig's newer section cutface you'll have an autoupdating slice but still...
I want vector section hatching that I can configure in both layout and sketchup that i don't have to explode to use.
@kaas said:
@rich o brien said:
Skalp for SketchUp is the most awesome section tool I've seen.
I'm not gonna spoil the surprise of what it does bit anyone who has AutoCad patterns that they want to use in SU and have them converted into seamless textures in SketchUp will be happy.
Textures was not what I was hoping for but lets wait until we see the plugin in action. A bit strange because on the website it states 'Export to DXF includes real CAD hatch patterns'. I was under the impression dxf only support lines and not textures.
Here's the Skalp workflow: You import whichever autocad .pat -> Use Skalp Pattern Designer to dynamically create tileable real sharp textures. It supports line widths, colors and transparency for use in SketchUp and Layout. However, on your question: Skalp definitely has an export to DXF from SketchUp that includes the original hatches, based of the original .pat definition. Please feel free to follow us through our site, twitter or Facebook:
Best Regards,
The Skalp Team -
@skalp said:
... However, on your question: Skalp definitely has an export to DXF from SketchUp that includes the original hatches, based of the original .pat definition. Please feel free to follow us through our site, twitter or Facebook:
Hello Skalp Team, thanks for the additional info. Will definitely give it a go once it comes available.
It's a shame layout hasn't got ruby... I understand that with skalp texture paterns created from cad hatches can be exported back as hatches. I bet we can't do it from LO though.
@jql said:
It's a shame layout hasn't got ruby...
Oh how I dream... I can only imagine how fantastic things would be.
Why can't ruby do documentation in sketchup?
@jql said:
It's a shame layout hasn't got ruby... I understand that with skalp texture paterns created from cad hatches can be exported back as hatches. I bet we can't do it from LO though.
But they just said this "It supports line widths, colors and transparency for use in SketchUp and Layout." Can't wait to see what it means.
Y'all should have been at Basecamp.
@pbacot said:
But they just said this "It supports line widths, colors and transparency for use in SketchUp and Layout." Can't wait to see what it means.
The plugin should manage styles too... Create a scene for section and another for view use a style for section another for view...
That's what I waste my time doing all the time at least, will it happen automatically?
You can see a part of the presentation of Skalp for SketchUp at 3DBasecamp on our youtube channel
Thanks Skalp... That plugin seems to resolve the section very quickly. looks promising.
This is a short introduction movie showing... Skalp for SketchUp
New Video by Skalp. Export to dxf is from Sketchup. Result in Autocad are vector hatches. -
I bought Skalp with the same feeling vented by most of you guys: it seems to be a very promising plugin.
however, its release seems to have been premature at least in what regards documentation. so far there has not appeared one single tutorial dealing with complex sections like the ones one does in real life. to apply textures to a simple cube is easy enough but what about doing it to a complex section made up of nested groups and components.
not to mention the fact that many of features on the toolbars do not work yet on Mac OS.
I still think Skalp can be of great help but so far it has not lived up to one's expectations. sometimes it is better to wait a little longer and come up with more finished product than to rush to release it and have to face a lot of complaints.
Hi Edson,
We take note. We will make a movie on one of our own real life models. Maybe you could send us model of yours that shows us what kind of workflow / nested structures you want to be able to use?
We'll contact you on the toolbar issues, as these seem to be unique to your case.The Skalp Team
@edson said:
I bought Skalp with the same feeling vented by most of you guys: it seems to be a very promising plugin.
however, its release seems to have been premature at least in what regards documentation. so far there has not appeared one single tutorial dealing with complex sections like the ones one does in real life. to apply textures to a simple cube is easy enough but what about doing it to a complex section made up of nested groups and components.
not to mention the fact that many of features on the toolbars do not work yet on Mac OS.
I still think Skalp can be of great help but so far it has not lived up to one's expectations. sometimes it is better to wait a little longer and come up with more finished product than to rush to release it and have to face a lot of complaints.
Hi All
can anyone tell me why! some of the Icons dont work in MAC OS,
cannot get any of the hatches? -
Hello Mr Gordon,
We will try to help you and answer via email. It is best to email us directly at
Kind regards,
The Skalp Team
@gordon greenwood said:
Hi All
can anyone tell me why! some of the Icons dont work in MAC OS,
cannot get any of the hatches?