Isolate Unique parts
Hey all, I have a large model that is made up of a ton of components:
There are anywhere from 2-hundreds of copies of each component in the model. What I would like to do is isolate one instance of each component so that I can save them out and mill them on a CNC machine.
I could do this manually, but it would be a pretty long process, even on this small model. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this? I poked around for a plugin but I didn't find anything....
Find my Components to Grid in the PluginStore.
Work on a copy !
This Tool lays out all components in the model to a preset grid...
For this set, say 3x3m ?
You then need to delete the original instances.. and edit the new 'gridded' set to delete unwanted nested parts, cats [!!!] etc.
Then perhaps rotate the object's geometry so it's flat for the CNC axes etc...
OR change these component's axes with the context-menu option so they are 'flat' as far as CNC would know...
Purge unused to clear the dross.
Then export the model's components as a collection into their own folder, so you have a separate SKP for each part.
Then use a batch exporter to make them individually as DXF/DWGs etc ?
I think that may just work.... Thank you sir!